Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:14 p.m. No.14901509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1525 >>1526 >>1897

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [01.11.21 16:32]

[ Photo ]

Adrian Fontes, the previous Maricopa County Recorder, confirmed to be under investigation by AG Brnovich.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:15 p.m. No.14901516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1533 >>1537 >>1546 >>1967

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America



The Fake News media, together with some of the perverts doing ads ad nauseam on primarily Fox (Fox shouldn’t take those ads!), are trying to create an impression that Glenn Youngkin and I are at odds and don’t like each other. Importantly, this is not true, we get along very well together and strongly believe in many of the same policies. Especially when it comes to the important subject of education. The reason the Fake News and perverts are working over time is to try and convince people that we do not like each other, and therefore, my great and unprecedented Make America Great Again base will not show up to vote. Also, I am not a believer in the integrity of Virginia’s elections, lots of bad things went on, and are going on. The way you beat it is to flood the system and get out and vote. Remember this, Glenn Youngkin is a good man, a hardworking man, a successful man. He loves Virginia and wants to cut your taxes, save your children’s education, and many other very good things. Terry McAuliffe is a low-life politician who lies, cheats, and steals. He was a terrible high-tax governor and would be, if elected, an even worse governor again. I say to all of our millions of followers, don’t listen to the Fake News and misleading advertisements written largely by already-acknowledged perverts. Get out and vote for a man who will be a great governor, Glenn Youngkin!

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:20 p.m. No.14901535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1573

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America



'Hopefully everyone will get out and VOTE tomorrow for Glenn Youngkin, who will be a fantastic Governor for the Great State of Virginia. Glenn is a very successful businessman who knows how to make Virginia’s economy (which is doing poorly!), great—and he has had my Complete and Total Endorsement for many months! Glenn believes in FREEDOM, including freedom for parents who want a good education for their children. He is also a strong believer in our now under siege Second Amendment, and loves our Military and our Vets. Everything is on the line in this election, and every MAGA voter should strongly support Glenn Youngkin. We must win bigger than the margin of fraud by flooding the polls with those that believe in America First. Please vote on Tuesday for Glenn Youngkin—he will not let you down!

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:21 p.m. No.14901540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America



Hopefully everyone will get out and VOTE tomorrow for Glenn Youngkin, who will be a fantastic Governor for the Great State of Virginia. Glenn is a very successful businessman who knows how to make Virginia’s economy (which is doing poorly!), great—and he has had my Complete and Total Endorsement for many months! Glenn believes in FREEDOM, including freedom for parents who want a good education for their children. He is also a strong believer in our now under siege Second Amendment, and loves our Military and our Vets. Everything is on the line in this election, and every MAGA voter should strongly support Glenn Youngkin. We must win bigger than the margin of fraud by flooding the polls with those that believe in America First. Please vote on Tuesday for Glenn Youngkin—he will not let you down!

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:24 p.m. No.14901557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICYMI: “Biden can only talk about one thing: Donald Trump”



Read the full article by David Harsanyi with the New York Post here.


Biden can only talk about one thing: Donald Trump

By David Harsanyi

October 29, 2021 5:52pm Updated


This week, the president took a trip to Virginia to try to help salvage the gubernatorial prospects of fellow Washington lifer Terry McAuliffe. President Joe Biden used the appearance to liken the GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin to Jan. 6 rioters, to lie about Republicans supporting “book bans” and to attempt to goad former President Donald Trump into coming to Virginia. (Mission accomplished? Perhaps not.)


Biden wants to talk about one person these days, and that person isn’t Biden. Then again, what does he possibly have to brag about? Shutting down COVID? More Americans have died from the disease this year than last year, even with the emergence of vaccines. “I will not shut down the country,” Biden promised during his campaign. “I will shut down the virus.”


Now, of course coronavirus isn’t really the president’s fault. But since Biden had no compunction blaming Trump personally for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens, no one can fault voters for using the same standard of culpability now.


Is Biden going to brag about overseeing what promises to be the weakest economic recovery since the last time he was put in charge of such things? Rather than looking for ways to create more opportunities for American workers, the president has been clamoring to put millions of them on the dole.


Is the president going to talk about the border? Is he once again going to explain how high inflation is actually a positive development for most consumers? Is he going to brag about his foreign policy? When was the last time an American president abandoned hundreds of US citizens to a terror regime?


After 13 service members were murdered by terrorists in Kabul, due in part to his administration’s stark incompetence, we proceeded to accidentally kill seven children in retaliation. The terrorists disappeared only slightly faster than the media coverage.


No, Biden is going to talk about Trump.


It’s worth mentioning, as well, that while Democrats were in a constant state of feigned dismay over the lack of decorum during the Trump years — Biden often promised to “restore decency” to the White House — they are just as guilty of corroding our public discourse.


On Youngkin, for example, Biden said, “Extremism can come in many forms. It can come in the rage of a mob driven to assault the Capitol. It can come in a smile and a fleece vest.” It isn’t surprising to hear unhinged pundits conflating the Jan. 6 rioters with Republicans who have never uttered a word of support for the attack on the Capitol, but coming from the president of the United States, a president whose campaign was grounded on the promise of mending a frayed nation and normalizing political behavior, it’s particularly ugly.


This kind of rhetoric, though, is nothing new for Biden. In 2012, before Trump had allegedly coarsened our politics, the then-vice president told a crowd of African Americans that the milquetoast Republican and presumptive nominee Mitt Romney, a man who had never embraced any form of racism, much less allied himself with segregationists, was going to “put you all back in chains” because he was in favor of some mild deregulation and economic reforms.


Well, Youngkin is apparently similarly disposed. His principal issue has been parents and their lack of control over school curricula. If you’re looking for an election conspiracy theorist in the Virginia gubernatorial race, though, you need not look any further than McAuliffe, who doesn’t seem to believe a Republican has won a presidential contest since 1988.


But, as The New York Times pointed out, even McAuliffe barely, if ever, mentions the former president in his ads or speeches. Biden’s appearance might fly in deep-blue northern Virginia, and it may or may not work in bringing Trump to the state, but it’s unlikely to save his presidency.


The more Americans get to know Biden, the less they like him. And the less they like him, the more he’s compelled to talk about Trump.


David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and author of “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.”

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:28 p.m. No.14901582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICYMI: “Poll: 61 Percent of Registered Voters Say America Has ‘Seriously Gotten Off on the Wrong Track’”



Read the full article by Wendell Husebo with Breitbart here.


Poll: 61 Percent of Registered Voters Say America Has ‘Seriously Gotten Off on the Wrong Track’


Sixty-one percent of registered voters say America has “seriously gotten off on the wrong track,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll revealed Wednesday.


“Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track?” the poll asked respondents.


While 39 percent say the country is headed in the “right direction,” 61 percent say the country is going down the “wrong track.”


The poll also asked respondents if they approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance. Thirty-nine percent “strongly disapprove” of Biden’s performance and 12 percent “somewhat disapprove,” totaling 51 percent.


Twenty-three percent “strongly approve” and another 23 percent said they “somewhat approve” of Biden’s performance. A total of 46 percent approve of Biden’s performance.


Among those surveyed, economic issues like taxes, wages, jobs, unemployment, and spending were the most important issues to registered voters at 38 percent.


Security Issues, which include terrorism, foreign policy, and border security, ranked second most important to voters at 16 percent.


The Taliban terrorist organization is strutting and bragging that the Biden administration has agreed to provide aid to Afghanistan.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 12, 2021


The far-left agenda item of climate change ranked last at 5 percent.


The polling comes as Biden is suffering setbacks in all directions. After the collapse of Afghanistan, Biden’s average polling numbers turned upside down and has increasingly sunk to new lows as the economy deteriorates. According to Gallup, Biden has dropped in the average approval ratings faster than any president since 1953 over the first three quarters in office.


Prices consumers are paying for food, gas, and nearly every household good have increased. The New York Times has even taken note Monday, writing the 2021 Thanksgiving could “be the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday.”


Fueled by a supply chain crisis, the price of food has increased by 4.6 percent since Donald Trump was president. More specifically, prices for meat, poultry, fish, and eggs rose 10.5 percent.


Albertsons reportedly told analysts on Monday the grocer expects to raise prices on food items – another indicator that inflation has dramatically increased during Joe Biden’s presidency.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 19, 2021


Experts warn inflation and the supply chain crisis, primarily created by a labor shortage and union infighting, could last until 2022 and into 2023. But prices for goods could become worse due to ports planning to charge cargo ships for not unloading their cargo quickly enough.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.14901606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636 >>1638 >>2028

ICYMI: “Joe Biden is hopelessly out of touch with voters’ priorities”



Read the full article from the Washington Examiner here.


Joe Biden is hopelessly out of touch with voters' priorities

Washington Examiner 4 days ago



Inflation is at its highest level in decades. Store shelves are empty. The southern border is in chaos. Hundreds of Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. China just tested a hypersonic missile. Employers can’t find workers to keep their businesses running. No wonder more than 60% say the country is going in the wrong direction.


President Joe Biden participates virtually in the U.S.-ASEAN Summit from the South Court Auditorium on the White House complex in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021. It is the first time the United States has participated in the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations since 2017, when President Donald Trump participated in the summit. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)© Susan Walsh/AP President Joe Biden participates virtually in the U.S.-ASEAN Summit from the South Court Auditorium on the White House complex in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021. It is the first time the United States has participated in the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations since 2017, when President Donald Trump participated in the summit. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

But don't worry: President Joe Biden has a “National Gender Strategy” that will turn everything around.


The document, released last Friday, is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds. Identifying “gender equity” as a “moral and strategic imperative,” the strategy promises an “intersectional approach” that acknowledges “compounding forms of discrimination” including gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, and socioeconomic status. This “first ever National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality” will provide an “aspirational vision” and a “comprehensive agenda” to advance gender equity.


The agenda in the document is, at heart, the same tired laundry list of new government programs that progressives have been trying to force on the nation for decades using other specious justifications.


Nowhere does the “strategy” address inflation or the border crisis. The only time COVID-19 is even mentioned is when the document asserts that no one has suffered more from the pandemic than “women and girls of color.” And that's not even true — the data indicate that men are more likely to die from COVID.


Meanwhile, CBS has a new poll out showing that only 37% of people believe Biden is focusing on the issues they care about. What a huge surprise. Majorities of voters believe Biden hasn’t focused enough on inflation (60%), the U.S.-Mexico border (57%), and jobs (53%). Somehow, Biden's gender equity strategy isn't assuaging their concerns.


Biden's numbers are even worse among independents. Democratic pollster Joel Benenson and Republican pollster Neil Newhouse recently teamed up to survey more than 2,600 likely voters. They found that 70% of independent voters believed the country was headed in the wrong direction and that independents identified “inflation,” “immigration and border security,” and “COVID pandemic recovery” as their top three concerns.


Even worse, as Biden pushes to spend another $3.5 trillion on a motley collection of new spending programs, 71% of independents interviewed by Benenson and Newhouse agreed with this statement: “People will continue to pay more money on everyday expenses unless the government becomes more fiscally responsible.”


Biden isn’t president because Democrats turned out in record numbers to vote against former President Donald Trump. Biden is president because the quarter of the electorate that identifies as independent chose him over Trump 54% to 41%. In 2016, Trump had won independents 46% to 42%.


Biden has completely ignored independent voters from day one of his administration, taking far-left positions on everything from immigration to energy. The independent voters have noticed, and they aren’t happy.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:38 p.m. No.14901634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1694 >>1762

ICYMI: “Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts”






Read the full article by Sean Moran with Breitbart here.


Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts


The Build Back Better Act, President Joe Biden’s roughly $2 trillion infrastructure bill, will reportedly contain more than $500 billion in carveouts to combat climate change.


Axios reported Tuesday that the Build Back Better Act will contain more than $500 billion in spending to address climate change.


Axios’ Alayna Treene said this would amount to “the single biggest component of the sweeping package.”


Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) told Axios that the provision would exceed $500 billion in spending.


“Everything else is getting a massive haircut, but this isn’t,” Schatz said.


“This will be, just as a matter of fact, the biggest climate bill in human history. At least half a trillion dollars. That’s a pretty good story to tell at the Conference of Parties (COP26),” Schatz added.


President Joe Biden will travel to the 2021 United Nations climate conference Thursday in Glasgow, Scotland. Biden has hoped to use the passage of his dual infrastructure bills as a way to tout America’s mission to combat climate change.


KEARNY, NEW JERSEY – OCTOBER 25: U.S. President Joe Biden gives a speech on his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda at the NJ Transit Meadowlands Maintenance Complex on October 25, 2021 in Kearny, New Jersey. On Thursday during a CNN Town Hall, President Joe Biden announced that a deal to pass major infrastructure and social spending measures was close to being done. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also announced on Sunday that she expects Democrats to have an “agreement” on a framework for the social safety net plan and a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the next week.The reconciliation package, which was slated at first to cost $3.5 Trillion, would still be the biggest support to expanding education, health care and child care support, and also help to fight the climate crisis as well as make further investments in infrastructure. Congress still needs to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill by October 31 before the extension of funding for surface transportation expires. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)


The White House also hosted approximately a dozen climate advocacy group leaders to review Biden’s efforts to combat climate change.


“If Biden walks into Glasgow without an agreed-to framework, it would undercut his credibility in global climate talks with world leaders,” Axios noted.


Biden’s inclusion of $500 billion in climate change funding would give more ammo to Republicans that this bill would amount to a “Green New Deal Lite.”


House Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (R-SC) charged in a memo in August that the Build Back Better bill amounts to “essentially a Green New Deal Lite.”


“Only $110 billion of the so-called $1 trillion-plus bipartisan infrastructure package goes toward road, bridges, and other major projects that the American people generally consider ‘infrastructure,'” Banks wrote.


Banks said that the remaining provisions of the bill are “Green New Deal provisions.”

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:40 p.m. No.14901646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICYMI: “Biden padded the numbers of his Afghanistan evacuation while leaving Americans behind”



Read the full article by Zachary Faria with the Washington Examiner here.


Biden padded the numbers of his Afghanistan evacuation while leaving Americans behind


In case you needed more evidence that President Joe Biden terribly botched every step of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Missouri GOP Sen. Josh Hawley and the Pentagon are more than willing to provide you with some.


Hawley tweeted out an email shared with him by someone he says was an American official present in Afghanistan during the frantic evacuation of American citizens and lawful permanent residents. The email shows how little vetting occurred for those who were evacuated until they arrived on military bases after leaving Afghanistan.


More importantly, the email states that Biden gave a directive to acting U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson instructing that “total inflow to the U.S. must exceed the number of seats available. Err. On the side of excess.”


This would fit perfectly with the Biden administration’s talking points, which placed an unusual emphasis on the number of total people evacuated while ignoring how many Americans and Afghan allies were left behind to the mercy of the Taliban, as well as the fact that several evacuees were flagged for security risks.


Biden’s rush to cover himself in glory by padding the numbers of the evacuation was a clear response to the fact that his incompetence left hundreds of Americans behind. The White House tried to claim that there were around 100 Americans left in the country a week after the withdrawal.


But that number has gone up over the past few months, not down. The State Department told congressional staff last week that there were 363 Americans still stranded in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Now, the Pentagon has increased that number to 439. While Biden was having planes filled to the brim with literally anyone they could find in order to salvage some sort of victory from his terribly executed withdrawal, he somehow couldn’t ensure that those 439 Americans were able to come home.


As bad as it looked at the time, Biden’s withdrawal somehow manages to keep looking worse with each passing day. Maybe that explains how quickly Biden and his team tried to move on from it.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 2:46 p.m. No.14901685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2098 >>2113

ICYMI: “I&I/TIPP Poll: Just 42% Now Think Biden Is ‘Mentally Sharp’”



Read the full article by Terry Jones with Issues & Insights here.


I&I/TIPP Poll: Just 42% Now Think Biden Is ‘Mentally Sharp’


Concerns about President Joe Biden’s mental abilities have gone mainstream.


Although the press has largely overlooked Biden’s gaffes, his disastrous performance at a decidedly friendly CNN townhall prompted the Wall Street Journal to editorialize that Biden’s “frequent public confusion about the major issues of the day is a reason for the growing public concern.”


Even the notoriously partisan “Saturday Night Live” has started to use Biden’s mental acuity as a punchline. One of the show’s characters has quipped about how “insiders are also saying that, during meetings, President Biden repeatedly uses the f-word in conversation. More concerning, the f-word he keeps using is ‘forget.’”


Biden’s critics have long pointed to increased verbal gaffes, along with his advanced age (he turns 79 later this month) as problems. But the mainstream press has largely ignored signs of mental decline.


The latest I&I/TIPP poll shows that, despite this, the perception of Biden’s cognitive descent has become widespread.


The poll tried to gauge the public’s perceptions of Biden on several measures, including mental abilities, by asking a random sampling of adults to “indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following descriptions of President Joe Biden.” Among the choices given were “mentally sharp,” “energetic,” and “a good communicator.”


The results are not good for Biden.


Just 42% of those polled say they think the president is “mentally sharp,” and 42% say he’s “energetic.” (Half those polled say he isn’t mentally sharp or energetic.) Fewer than half surveyed (47%) say Biden is a “good communicator.”


The data come from the November I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,306 adults, which was conducted online from Oct. 27-29 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner. The margin of error for the analysis is +/-2.8 percentage points.


As with any such poll, there is a sharp partisan divide, with 74% of Democrats saying Biden is mentally sharp, compared with only 13% of Republicans.


But the poll sheds still more light on the erosion of Biden’s support among independents, women, middle-income Americans, and suburbanites – groups that were key to his becoming president.


Among independents, for example, only 34% say Biden is mentally sharp, while 58% say he isn’t. Among women, 40% say he is mentally sharp and 51% say he isn’t. That’s worse than among men, 45% of whom say Biden is sharp vs. 50% who say he isn’t. Biden fares even worse among married women, only 36% of whom think he is mentally sharp compared with 58% who say he isn’t.


Among those living in the suburbs, 43% say he’s sharp and 51% say he isn’t, and among those making $50,000-$75,000 a year, the split is 37% to 58%.


Groups least likely to think Biden is “energetic” include those living in the South (38%), in rural areas (34%), making $50,000-75,000 (34%), and married women (36%)


The poll found that fewer than half of those surveyed (47%) think Biden is a good communicator, but also that this number drops sharply to 37% among independents, 37% among those in rural areas, and 39% among married women.


Other surveys are showing similar results about the public’s views of Biden’s mental abilities.


A Pew Research poll taken in September found that only 43% said that “mentally sharp” describes Biden well, while 56% said it didn’t.


A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 58% said they are not confident that the president “is physically and mentally up to the job of being president of the United States.”


An ABC News/Ipsos poll out over the weekend found that Biden has failed to sell his two signature legislative items to the public – his massive infrastructure bill and even bigger social spending plan that he’s calling the “Build Back Better Act.” The poll also learned that, despite months of Biden trying to sell these bills, the public is “broadly unaware of what is in the spending packages or skeptical they would help people like themselves, or the economy, if signed into law.”


I&I/TIPP will continue to provide more informative data from our polls in the coming weeks and months on topics of interest to all Americans. TIPP has the distinction of being the most accurate pollster for the past five presidential elections.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:02 p.m. No.14901735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

@RealGenFlynn, [01.11.21 08:04]

Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano, former Papal Nuncio from Rome to the United States and a sincerely great and historic figure of our time presents his views on the current state of global affairs and what citizens must know and more importantly what citizens must do. He speaks in Italian but there are English subtitles (20 minutes that you will not regret listening to and learning from). God bless all God-fearing and freedom-loving people everywhere 🙏🏼🇺🇸


@RealGenFlynn, [01.11.21 08:05]


@RealGenFlynn, [01.11.21 08:26]

A friend reminded me this morning of some very important counsel I wanted to share.


If our voices held no power, they wouldn’t try to silence us … although the hits always have the same formula, ie., make something sound really bad, and then draw conclusions from baseless accusations. The leftist socialist arguments demonstrate circular logic at their worst. And they are always rooted in the self-interest of the attackers … be aware of everything, listen, read (especially the Bible and the Constitution), and never allow others to define you. Only you define you!


Stay strong America, we are a United States and the globalist left fears what they cannot control. Faith and freedom are human traits that cannot be denied. God bless and protect you all, your families and our beautiful country, the United States of America 🙏🏼🇺🇸

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:05 p.m. No.14901745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Election Wizard, [01.11.21 10:29]

#NEW — The American Trucking Associations says that some of its members are mulling dropping government contracts altogether rather than impose vaccine mandate on their workers. – Politico


Companies mull ending government contracts over vaccine mandate

Objections among certain vendors over President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors are reaching an inflection point. As the deadline for workforce vaccination approaches, some trucking companies are mulling whether to end their work with the federal government altogether, according to two industry insiders.


In an interview, the American Trucking Associations’ executive vice president for advocacy Bill Sullivan told POLITICO that some companies may simply decide that the cost of the mandate is not worth the government’s checks. Sullivan said he has raised concerns to the White House, Office of Management and Budget and other executive branch officials. He noted that if companies drop their contracts, it may be harder to get certain foods to troops, transport fuel for military vehicles, or even deploy the National Guard.

REad further here

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.14901810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AGB1776, [01.11.21 04:58]

“The Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton regime completely fabricated the Russia hoax…. It was all FAKE.”

~ Congressman Matt Gaetz


“Yes, There WAS An Attempted Coup Against Trump. There was never any collusion between Trump and Russia, and these officials likely knew that all along. That their coup attempt failed makes it no less of an attempt.”



“McCabe allegedly at the center of Durham’s probe, as new info reveals dossier source was a suspected Russian agent…”


“…McCabe and others were suppressing information, misrepresenting it or lying about the information that they had in order to purposefully undermine the Trump candidacy and that turned into the predication for undermining the Trump presidency,”


“Our review found that FBI personnel fell far short of the requirement in FBI policy that they ensure that all factual statements in a FISA application are "scrupulously accurate." We identified multiple instances in which factual assertions relied upon in the first FISA application were inaccurate, incomplete, or unsupported by appropriate documentation, based upon information the FBI had in its possession at the time the application was filed. We found that the problems we identified were primarily caused by the Crossfire Hurricane team failing to share all relevant information with OI and, consequently, the information was not considered by the Department decision makers who ultimately decided to support the applications.”


“…Horowitz’s office found errors in ALL of the 29 FISA applications it reviewed during an audit…”


~Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:19 p.m. No.14901831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AGB1776, [01.11.21 18:14]

[Forwarded from RT News]

[ Photo ]

Pegasus Chief Flies: Notorious Israeli Spyware Firm Founder Resigns


Shalev Hulio will be replaced as the CEO of spyware firm NSO - kind of - as he steps down to allow Iztik Benbenisti to take over. Hulio will now become president and vice chairman of the board.


Hulio will apparently take on a new direction in cyber defense for the firm that's been embroiled in a scandal involving the snooping of world leaders' phones.


Benbenisti has served as the CEO of two major communication companies in Israel.


Subscribe to RT News

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:20 p.m. No.14901840   🗄️.is 🔗kun



AGB1776, [01.11.21 18:15]

[Forwarded from RT News]

[ Photo ]

Parler Reported Users to FBI Ahead of Jan 6th (Report)


The platform has cropped up in a new report by the Washington Post, claiming Parler handed over screen shots to the FBI from some of its users.


WaPo says the 'alternative' social media site flagged violent threats, which its lawyer deemed serious enough to turn over to law enforcement. It's claimed one user was openly threatening to murder politicians back in December, while just days before Parler sent a tip to the FBI over this alleged post:


"This is the final stand where we are drawing the red line at Capitol Hill," the user wrote. "I trust the American people will take back the USA with force and many are ready to die… don't be surprised if we take the [Capitol] building."


Subscribe to RT News

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:22 p.m. No.14901852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LIVE: Historical moment - Supreme Court to hear legal challenges to Texas Heartbeat Act 11/1/21

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:24 p.m. No.14901872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump On Glenn Youngkin: ‘If My Base Turns Out, He’S Going To Win’


President Trump predicted that Glenn Youngkin will be elected the next governor of Virginia – if his base goes to Virginia polls.


“If my base turns out, he’s going to win,” Trump said during a Fox News interview on Saturday.


Trump then urged his supporters to vote for Youngkin who is running on educational choice and job creation. “I hope they turn out; I really want them to turn out,” Trump said.


On Tuesday, Virginians will go to the polls to decide who their next governor will be.


Democrat nominee Terry McAuliffe was once considered a heavy favorite, but thanks to Younkin’s focused campaign and McAuliffe’s political blunders, the race has tightened significantly.


Most notably, McAuliffe made a statement that has come to haunt him during a debate against Youngkin.


When asked about recent parent protests at school board meetings in Virginia, McAuliffe said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”


In response to McAuliffe’s apparent blunder, Trump said he thought it was “a tremendous mistake.”


“Look, McAuliffe made a tremendous mistake,” Trump said. “But it’s really probably not a mistake from his standpoint. He believes it.”


Trump then compared McAuliffe’s “mistake” to the infamous “basket of deplorables” comment made by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign in which she derided Trump supporters, leading to the galvanization of Trump’s base.


“I heard that statement, I said is that going to be bad, is that going to be like ‘deplorable’?” Trump said. “Remember when Hillary made the statement ‘deplorable’? That’s not a nice word, and it blew up.”


The results of the Virginia gubernatorial race between Trump-endorsed Republican Glenn Youngkin and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe could have national repercussions.


Youngkin has gained steam in the last month of the race, in large part by riding the wave of anger from Virginia parents who are upset with what school boards, like the one in Loudoun County, Va., are teaching their children.


The Real Clear Politics Average of polls now shows that Glenn Youngkin has a narrow lead on McAuliffe. And a Fox News poll even has Youngkin up by eight points heading into Tuesday’s election.


The Virginia race is being closely watched by politicos to see if a Republican will benefit from the anti-Critical Race Theory rage, thus representing a bellwether race for the 2022 midterms.


We will know after Tuesday whether Youngkin’s pro-educational freedom platform prevails or if McAuliffe’s progressive educational agenda wins.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:43 p.m. No.14902001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wendy Rogers, [01.11.21 10:11]

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:44 p.m. No.14902011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wendy Rogers, [01.11.21 13:44]

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Rep. Steve Christiansen

They got to him. I am grateful he stood up when he did. I challenge the rest of us to find out the truth of what happened in Utah in 2020. Those machines allow the establishment to steal the elections in the GOP primary just as easily as they allow the Dems to steal the general elections. The machines are designed to elect godless commies in both parties. Period.

Anonymous ID: 2c0c07 Nov. 1, 2021, 3:58 p.m. No.14902100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[QDrops] [8Bakes] [Crumbs] [Covfefe], [01.11.21 17:00]

[ Photo ]

Italy Arrests 103 in Anti-Mafia Operations Across the Country

Italian authorities arrested 103 suspects in a sweeping anti-Mafia operation carried out last week across the country, the Italian state-run news service, ANSA reported.

“The suspects are accused of crimes including mafia association, criminal association for the sale of drugs, drug dealing, extortion, kidnapping and robbery,” the report said. “One of the biggest operations took place in Latina, a city between Naples and Rome, where restrictive measures were imposed on 33 people.”


Police Italy

Italian authorities arrested 103 suspects in a sweeping anti-Mafia operation carried out last week across the country. (Photo: Ulrike Leone, Pixabay, License)

“The suspects are accused of crimes including mafia association, criminal association for the sale of drugs, drug dealing, extortion, kidnapping and robbery,” the report said. “One of the biggest operations took place in Latina, a city between Naples and Rome, where restrictive measures were imposed on 33 people.”


A major agricultural center, Latina was reported to be the site of large scale Mafia-run farms, where enslaved or exploited immigrants work under inhumane conditions, according to an article published by the Nation Nigeria in September.


The outlet claimed that some 30,000 Sikh workers largely from India were found to be laboring under exploitative conditions on farms in the area, a recent investigation by Latina Police found, according to the outlet.


Other suspects were arrested in Catanzaro, L'Aquila, Salerno, Lecco, Terni, Taranto, Genoa and Vicenza.


The round up comes amidst one of the biggest anti-mafia trials in Italian history.


Some 325 suspected members of ‘Ndrangheta, Italy’s largest and most powerful organized crime syndicate, are being tried in what has been called a “maxi-trial,” reminiscent of the sweeping affairs of the 1980s and 90s which first cracked the power of Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia.