That was our nature the way God created it.
It was no longer that nature once Adam sold us all under sin.
The fallen nature is a subject (slave) of sin.
It may freely sin as much as it wants,
sin whatever sin it wants,
sin whenever it wants,
but sin it must.
(This is why we need earthly authorities so as not to descend into anarchy.)
It has no choice but to sin.
That was not the nature of which God created Man in the beginning.
This is why there is an original Adam,
from whom we all receive that fallen nature;
and there is the Last Adam,
from whom men receive the nature made after Himself,
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ redeemed a people from the slavery to sin,
freeing them to love the Father,
freeing them from a mind at enmity against him.
Fallen man's mind is at enmity against God.
That is not the love of God.
None loved God first who are born anew of above.
God loved them first,
as He died for them while they were yet sinners.