I was like "Lurch"? Who's Lurch?
Then I clicked on the pic (hadn't populated yet).
Oh my gosh - belly laugh!!!
Someone needs to do a side by side of that traitor and Lurch!!!
I was like "Lurch"? Who's Lurch?
Then I clicked on the pic (hadn't populated yet).
Oh my gosh - belly laugh!!!
Someone needs to do a side by side of that traitor and Lurch!!!
And sometimes the attacks are very sutble - you may not even notice that you're being attacked at first. Then all of a sudden you're looking around at your life going "what the hell happened". Or it will be an attack on your health, or financial. Whereever you are the weakest. Just arm yourselves with the Word of Truth and stay prayerful!
Thank you God for blessing everyone that is on this journey!