After four years all we get is a chant and a new social media site.
Of course I am, I've been here since day one.
Just recently realized this was all a psyop to divide the country, so far that's been the only yielded result.
Free speech is why everyone is here, clown.
By the way your repetitious meme is pretty fucking atrocious, I know you think you're clever.
But you're really not.
>Us vs. them.
>Falling into the same trap created for 5000 years.
>Red vs. Blue.
<Only some will wake up.
Trump drained the swamp?
The swamp is stronger than ever.
Joe Biden has been the president for almost a year, let that sink into your thick head.
Freedoms disappear, and you just want to thank Trump for doing his part in destroying the country.
When Q said "Trolling is fun" they really meant the patriots and hopefags here.
I'd give 100 to 1 odds there will never be any big name arrests.