You are made in the IMAGE OF GOD.
You have been made WHOLE.
The Chinese have a saying that when the plague comes, 5,000 people may die of the plague, but 50,000 will die of the fear of it.
Two things—Desire and Faith. "What wouldst thou that I should do unto thee?" the Saviour asked the blind man who kept following and crying out to him. "Lord that I should receive my sight." And again of the cripple at the Pool of Bethesda Jesus asked—"Wouldst thou be made whole?"
You must have the sincere desire first. That is prayer. Then the faith— the kind of faith that Jesus meant when he said—"Whatsoever ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive it, and ye shall have it." Mind you, not "believe ye are going to receive it.""Believe that ye receive it"— now—this very minute. Know that the REAL you, the image of you held in Universal Mind—in short, the Truth concerning every organ in your body—is perfect. "Know the Truth." Believe that you HAVE this perfect image. On the day that you can truly believe this—carry this sincere conviction to your subconscious mind—on that day you WILL BE perfect.
This is the faith that Jesus meant when he said—"Thy faith hath made thee whole." This is the faith that is responsible for the miracles of Lourdes, for miraculous healings everywhere. It matters not whether you be Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Gentile. Desire and faith such as these will heal you.