The Loop resets every 22 minutes, when The Storm closes it reset, as confirmed in the Batman: Zero Point comics, and it also does some things to inhabitants on the Island. Upon entering the Loop, you are completely mute, which explained the lack of voice acting in the game. The Loop also drains your memories, but some characters are able to find their memories or not to lose their memory. It is also known that the loop only resets the memory, it does not reset the environment as to why the island can evolve, nor does it reset the physical appearance of the inhabitants of the island. It is also confirmed that the loop does not effect feelings or emotions. In order to escape the loop you must be in the final storm circle of the match, on the Eye of the Storm and alone.
The Extra-Loop or outside of The Loop, After a Looper gets a eliminates everyone and stands in the center of the final circle they will be sent here. The Storm and the resets do not exist here and it won't regain all lost memories. Only memories from The Loop is retained.
The Storm
Defy the Storm
The force that maintains the loop is the storm, a sentient entity powered by The Zero Point. Without it the Loop cannot reset.