Was there a lack of Compliance to the wishes of the man keeping the peace?
Walked right past’m, payed’m no mind.
Me, looking at the poll worker when they offered me a mask.
Guy in front of me, submitted, and put on one of their free masks. The look on my face must’ve said ‘don’t talk to me’. Walked right past.
Acquaintance called this morning after going to the polls, to relay their own style of dealing with this (a bit different than my own). Fren played it as total forgetfulness and apologizing… when the worker presented the box of masks, fren lifted straight up on the center mask, flying the entire rest of the box up and out to the floor. Said ‘opps’ and proceeded to vote. Waved goodby with it still in hand on the way out the door. Like i says, a style different from mine.
Either way, it is COMPLETE THEATRE. Seems the poll workers DO NOT DARE make a scene over the issue. Walk past them.
Anonvoter here in NoVa… went specifically to check this. My registration was clean and ‘available’, my ballot was not ‘used up’ before i got to my precinct.
I haven’t the least bit of faith that my vote is being counted accurately this evening… as ultimately, i still had to feed it into a blackbox.