You can go to just about any chain drugstore and pickup a pulse oximeter that will tell you the percentage of oxygen in your bloodstream. I had covid last august and it really helps letting you know how serious your condition is. You just put it on your finger (pinky finger is best). When I got out of the hospital it was comforting to know I wasn't close to going back. If it shows anything below 90% you should start getting concerned. They run about $10 to $20.
True. But hemoglobin is in the bloodstream. I was using laymen terms for non-medical folks.
KEK. I was a paramedic for 25 years and when I told a patient about their hemoglobin they usually just had a blank stare. Most people know what a bloodstream is — that's all.
I thought the new Saudi King had him put to death.
NVM - I just read he was imprisoned and they let him out a while back.
Wow - thanks for that info!