Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.1492131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2604

Theory On 2nd NYPD Detective


A few weeks ago I posted about Detective Tom Nerney, who passed 6/20/2017. I also posted a story written about him by a publication call Corps Stories. All of us have been waiting for a confirmation from Q on officer #2, believing that perhaps we have not found the correct detective. There is a perfect reason we don't have that answer. I'll explain:

President Trump is known for saying 2 things about the military.

We love our military and We love our vets.


Memorial Day is this up coming weekend, I believe 2nd Detective/Marine will be honored on that occasion. He was more than a Detective he was a Marine. He lived his life serving both of those families of brothers until the day he died. Read his attached story it is incredibly moving.





Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 4:18 a.m. No.1492164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2170 >>2182 >>2192 >>2204 >>2224 >>2246 >>2250

John Kerry Spits In Trump’s Face — We Will Not Go ‘America First’


Former Secretary of State John Kerry warned President Donald Trump Sunday that Democrats are not afraid to go against his “America First” policies.


“We won’t win, any of us, ultimately, by retreating within our borders, by focusing on our own nations only, or by going it alone,” Kerry told those gathered at New York University’s Abu Dhabi’s commencement ceremony Sunday — a direct reference to the president’s “America First” trade and immigration policies.


Kerry served as the secretary of state for former President Barack Obama. He also, notably, was one of the key negotiators for the administration when it was finalizing the Iran nuclear deal, which Trump backed out of on May 8.


Kerry lashed out against the president in early May for withdrawing from the deal, calling the administration out for stopping a “working” strategy.


American politics has become “almost all accusatory and all bombastic,” the former secretary of state told those gathered Sunday, arguing we are at the point where we can’t even “agree on what the facts are.”


“No matter how big or how many the challenges, I want you to leave here today confident about our ability to win that future,” Kerry said Sunday. “Every single problem we face is created by human choices. And to the best of my knowledge, those problems can also be solved by human choices.”


Add John Kerry to the loudest voices



Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 4:30 a.m. No.1492207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2250

Hillary Clinton Says She’s Still ‘Not Over’ Losing To Trump


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Yale University’s graduating class she’s “still not over” losing to President Donald Trump in the 2016 election.


It took Clinton less than two minutes to bring up the 2016 election during her commencement speech on Sunday. “I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Clinton said, whipping out a Russian hat. The twice failed presidential candidate took repeated jabs at Trump while giving her commencement speech on Sunday, although she didn’t directly name him.


“I remember the first months after that 2016 election were not easy. We all had our own methods of coping,” Clinton said, noting she went for “long walks in the woods,” spent “hours going down a Twitter rabbit hole” and had her “fair share of chardonnay.”


“No, I’m not over it. I still think about the 2016 election. I still regret the mistakes I made. I still think, though, that understanding what happened in such a weird and wild election in American history will help us defend our democracy in the future,” she said.


Loudest Voice List?



Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 4:48 a.m. No.1492275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2571 >>2627

John McCain wants to buried next to Navy pal Chuck Larson, not in Arlington



Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said in his upcoming memoir that he doesn't want to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, but next to his old Navy pal Chuck Larson


Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will be buried "back where it began," next to his old Navy buddy Chuck Larson–not at Arlington National Cemetery where his father and grandfather are buried.


The Arizona senator, who has been battling an aggressive form of brain cancer for more than a year, wrote in his upcoming memoir: “The Restless Wave” that he wants to be laid to rest “in the cemetery on the Severn (River) in Maryland, back where it began,” according to


"I want to smell the rose-scented breeze and feel the sun on my shoulders," McCain wrote. "I want to watch the hawks hunt from the sycamore, and then take my leave bound for a place near my old friend Chuck Larson, in the cemetery on the Severn (River), back where it began."


A Naval Academy Spokesman confirmed to the paper this week that the 81-year-old senator has a dedicated plot at the cemetery that is close to Larson.


McCain and Larson developed a lifelong friendship during their time in the Naval Academy. Larson died in 2014 at the age of 77.


The war hero and 2008 presidential nominee wrote in his memoir that Larson was someone he “looked up to since we were boys,” and called it a “privilege and an honor, as a young man and an old one, to serve in Chuck's shadow,” in a statement at the time of his Navy pal’s death, according to the paper.



Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.1492302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maxine Waters: Impeachment 'only option' for Trump's Iran deal decision


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that impeaching President Trump is the "only option" for Democrats following his decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal.




In a tweet, Waters said Trump "thinks he knows better" than negotiators and U.S. allies — France, Germany and the United Kingdom — which issued a joint statement this week condemning Trump's decision to abandon the agreement.


"Trump, further isolating the United States, thinks he knows better than our negotiators and all of our global allies who agreed to the Iran deal," Waters tweeted. "How long do we have to suffer his gigantic ego and narcissistic behavior? Impeachment is the only answer."


Trump, further isolating the United States, thinks he knows better than our negotiators and all of our global allies who agreed to the Iran deal. How long do we have to suffer his gigantic ego and narcissistic behavior? Impeachment is the only answer.

— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 9, 2018


House Democrats have signed on to an effort to introduce articles of impeachment against Trump, but the movement has not gained significant traction among members of Democratic leadership.


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and other ranking Democrats have, for months, tried to dispel efforts to pursue impeachment proceedings. Pelosi last month called Waters and other Democrats' efforts to impeach Trump a "gift" for Republicans ahead of November's midterm elections.


Democrats hope to regain majorities in both chambers this fall. Meanwhile, a growing number of embattled Republicans are eyeing impeachment threats to give them a potential edge in close races.


“I don’t think we should be talking about impeachment. I’ve been very clear right from the start,” Pelosi said during a press briefing in April.


“On the political side I think it’s a gift to the Republicans,” she added. “We want to talk about what they’re doing to undermine working families in our country and what we are doing to increase their payrolls and lower their costs.”


Loudest Voice Maxine Waters



Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.1492577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kennedy retirement rumors shift into overdrive


Like clockwork, Washington has whipped itself into a frenzy over rumors of a possible retirement on the Supreme Court.


All eyes are on Justice Anthony Kennedy, 81, who reportedly considered calling it quits last spring. As the court’s current term winds to a close, speculation about his plans has again swept the capital, with court watchers searching for clues.


Those who say Kennedy is here to stay — at least for now — point to the fact that he’s already hired his law clerks for the next term, as Above the Law reported.


“I don’t think he would have hired all four clerks for next year if he was seriously entertaining stepping down,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond School of Law professor. “I just don’t think it’s going to happen.”


But Ian Samuel, a Climenko Fellow and lecturer on law at Harvard Law, who clerked for the late Justice Antonin Scalia, said the small number of cases the court has granted could signal Kennedy is throwing in the towel. The court has only agreed to hear 15 cases so far next term.


“One possibility is they are not granting cases because they don’t know who their ninth member is going to be. … You could imagine Kennedy telling the chief, ‘I’d like to keep this between us, but I’d like to retire,’ and the chief saying, ‘Let’s see who Kennedy’s replacement is before we grant all these cases,’” Samuel said.


Some said the presence of Kennedy’s wife at the final oral arguments of the term could be a sign he’s on the way out the door. When Mary Davis was spotted in the courtroom on April 25, the press corps started buzzing about whether she was there to hear her husband’s last round of questioning from the bench. But SCOTUSblog's Mark Walsh reported that the wives of Breyer, Alito and Gorsuch were seated in the VIP section too.


Republicans on Capitol Hill have practically been willing Kennedy to retire, which would give the GOP’s Senate majority time to confirm his replacement before the midterm elections.


Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.), who is facing a tough reelection race, announced in a speech in March that “Kennedy will retire sometime around early summer,” Politico reported.


And last week Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt he hopes a retirement is announced soon, if there’s one coming.


“I hope it’s now or within two or three weeks, because we’ve got to get this done before the election," he said, adding a specific message to the justices: “If you’re thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday.”


Kennedy, who was appointed to the bench in 1988 by President Ronald Regan, has gained notoriety as a moderate and pivotal swing voter on the court. He sided with liberals to legalize same-sex marriage, for instance, but helped the court’s conservatives strike down limits on campaign contributions.


If he were to step down, it would give President Trump his second chance to appoint a justice — and this time his pick could shift the ideological balance of the high court decisively to the right.


Artemus Ward, a political science professor at Northern Illinois University who wrote the book “Deciding To Leave: The Politics of Retirement from the United States Supreme Court,” said if Kennedy is going to retire, now is the time to do it.


“Grassley is trying to put public pressure on him to do it now because they may lose control of the Senate,” he said.


Though liberal on gay rights, Ward noted that Kennedy is, after all, still a Republican.


“This might be his last chance in life to retire under a Republican president and a Republican-controlled Senate,” he said.


Occasionally, the justices will announce or at least signal their plans to retire at their reunions with their former law clerks. Kennedy holds one of those reunions every five years.


Sam Erman, an associate law professor at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law who clerked for Kennedy, said he’s heard no indication that the justice plans to step down.


Chief Justice John Roberts could also announce Kennedy’s plans on the last day of the term; in fact, many expect him to deliver the news if the rumors are true.


“It’s entirely possible that Kennedy says on the last day, ‘Peace. I’m out,’” said Josh Blackman, an associate professor of law at the South Texas College of Law in Houston.


But with such a leaky White House, experts aren’t expecting Trump to get a heads up if Kennedy retires.


“That sounds less crazy to me than Kennedy saying, ‘I‘m tired of being the most powerful man in legal society,’” he said.


More here:


Anonymous ID: 3288fe May 21, 2018, 5:57 a.m. No.1492594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2602


He knows when everyone finds out what he truly did, the screams for getting him out of Arlington will be fierce. Besides why should taxpayer have to foot the bill, these people have cost this country and others enough already.