Anonymous ID: c46a90 May 21, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.1492057   🗄️.is đź”—kun

US, China agree to abandon trade war: Beijing - Yahoo News

Joe Hagmann

2 minutes


Beijing (AFP) – Washington and Beijing have agreed to abandon any trade war and back off from imposing tariffs on each other, Chinese state media reported Sunday.


The announcement came after high-level talks in the US capital and followed months of tensions over what President Donald Trump has blasted as an unfair commercial relationship between the two economic giants.


Vice-Premier Liu He, who led Chinese negotiators in Washington said: “The two sides reached a consensus, will not fight a trade war, and will stop increasing tariffs on each other,” state-run news agency Xinhua reported Sunday.


Liu called the agreement a “necessity”, but added: “At the same time it must be realised that unfreezing the ice cannot be done in a day, solving the structural problems of the economic and trade relations between the two countries will take time.”


An earlier joint statement issued in Washington said Beijing would “significantly” increase its purchases of American goods, but offered few details.


The apparent detente comes after months of increasing tensions that have set markets on edge over fears of a damaging trade war.


Trump has repeatedly railed against his country’s trade deficit with China, describing it as a danger to US national security and threatening to impose tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese goods.

Anonymous ID: c46a90 May 21, 2018, 3:28 a.m. No.1492060   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Democrats Muster Votes To Restore Net Neutrality

The Hagmann Report

2 minutes


Senators, almost all of them Democrats, voted 52 to 47 Wednesday for the reinstatement of “net neutrality” rules that were undone by the Federal Communications Commission in December 2017.


Democrats already seemed to have the votes to successfully restore the internet regulations, but Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and John Kennedy of Louisiana put it over the top. Murkowski voted against classifying the internet as a Title II utility rather than a Title I — the crux of the net neutrality argument — in 2009, but has changed her tune as evident by her vote.


After initially having to vote Wednesday to move forward for debate (in a measure that passed 52-47), Senate Democrat leaders were able to muster enough “ayes” to overturn the FCC’s more recent repeal of rules previously mandated under a different FCC makeup known as the Open Internet Order.


That part of the legislative course was expected, however, the rest of the path forward for Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Edward Markey’s Congressional Review Act resolution is inauspicious to say the least, as its prospects for survival in the House and the president’s desk are very unlikely.


The CRA is a legislative maneuver that allows for an official disapproval of a decision mandated by a federal agency with just a simple majority. Democrats (including two independents) have been campaigning for one more Republican to join their fellow party member Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and the coalition to tip the scale to 51 of the 100 senators required.

Anonymous ID: c46a90 May 21, 2018, 3:39 a.m. No.1492083   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2236


Adam, I understand your point. From your perspective, you have to be correct, for your own good, you have to be correct. The facts must be damned and destroyed to save your own ass. You know this so deeply, you must absolutely dispute facts to the point as to twist them into lies. The facts are lies in your eyes. They must be.

I understand that you will never in your lifetime admit to facts being facts. You simply cannot.

Does anyone else in the admistration understand this? Does the rest of the population understand this? The depth to which the bad actors believe the lie. Do you understand, what must be done if you desire to act on truth with respect to these individuals? They will not admit to wrong doing, because in their eyes, they have done no wrong. It is beyond their comprehension that they are wrong, just as it's beyond your comprehension that they can't understand you are right. This is where we are at. This chasm is beyond the ability of reason to cross. Force and determination of will is required to cross this great divide. Bringing bad actors to justice will require a great application of force, to which will likely be more than most are willing to apply. The effort is astounding and is an anathema to societies current mindset of instant gratification and easy-peasy methods of accomplishment.

Anonymous ID: c46a90 May 21, 2018, 4:28 a.m. No.1492202   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Legit as in?

  1. Q legit as being a member or or close to the current administration? Legit as an inside source of intel and a window on how the admin thinks?

  2. Legit as in the direction they are going? "Trust of plan"?