Anonymous ID: cd3cf2 Nov. 3, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.14919343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9354 >>9389 >>9424 >>9493 >>9870


was digging into abraxas a while ago,

disturbing shit, heavily involved in voodoo and paganism.

There was a anon who was religious anon who i asked about it, he was so freaked out, barred me from his group. of course that told me i had to dig in further.

Weird shit, but again, anons can research without letting affect them !!


Abraxas is a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, being there applied to the "Great Archon", the princeps of the 365 spheres. The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. As the initial spelling on stones was "Abrasax", the spelling of "Abraxas" seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters sigma and xi in the Latin transliteration. The seven letters spelling its name may represent each of the seven classic planets. The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist. There are similarities and differences between such figures in reports about Basilides's teaching, ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings

Anonymous ID: cd3cf2 Nov. 3, 2021, 8:16 p.m. No.14919424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9428 >>9445 >>9486 >>9730






here is the thought anon had, and wanted to see where it would lead him.

there are many cults and secret societies that feature men only, but knew women are much more organised and methodical, anon knows from past experience, they plan everything.

So knew there had to be old cults apart from the witches which must be out there.

But was looking for the darker ones which the likes of hillary and her evil bitches belong too

Women are not followers, the lead from behind and with manipulation. .

The Crowley thing did not fit, but Lilith cult did, very deep dive, have notes somewhere it was a long time ago though


Fraternity History & More


Anonymous ID: cd3cf2 Nov. 3, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.14919491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9512


yeah read the , the cult of Thelma also Barbara bush and Crowley connections.

Was never involved, but anons will where others fear to tread.


toughest red pill anon took was the MGTOW red pill.

Fucked myself up for years, but through it now,

not the idiots out there who hate women, the old anons who dug into this unearthed female nature, controls, and our reliance on them as our trusted partners, corrupted by the state and turned against us.

This is why they do not understand men. not the men they have to deal with now,

they look for hero's why cos they want the ultimate sacrifice (would you die for them). no we would die for our kin but not for love which is a control mechinism.

anyway long and tough journey, now after all that time anon understands.

respect above all,

will not put up with any gaslighting or being used as a weapon for her pleasure and a wage packet !!

Freedom is a state of mind

Anonymous ID: cd3cf2 Nov. 3, 2021, 8:55 p.m. No.14919627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9644


  • Emancipation of the male

St. George was venerated by the Templars who modeled themselves after him. Of course a great deal of esoteric symbolism is involved in the story of St. George and his adventures with females and dragons. Wherever the red cross is found, either on Templar emblems or images of St. George, the reference is to blood. More particularly, in the case of Masonry and Templarism it represents emasculation, the removal (ritually or physically) of the phallus. Note the proximity of the princess (with red dress) and St. George's foot on the troublesome dragon. The dragon represents the sexual urges that allegedly bar the way to service and enlightenment. Monks shaved their heads into a tonsure to represent their own celibacy, and Jews took to wearing the yarmulke to symbolize theirs. This physical or symbolic celibacy makes sense only in regards worship of the Mother Goddess. When we see images of the god Mithras slaying the bull, the underlying implication is, as in the case of St. George and his dragon, castration.