Anonymous ID: 4d5edb Nov. 4, 2021, 3:40 a.m. No.14920775   🗄️.is 🔗kun aged five to 11 will be forced to prove they are vaccinated if they want to enter restaurants and entertainment venues in San Francisco, officials have said.


The progressive city became the first in the country to impose strict vaccine mandates for indoor venues in August for all children and adults over 12.


Now, City officials plan to extend such requirements to children as young as five and made the announcement at a town hall meeting Tuesday, the same day the CDC granted emergency approval for that age group to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.


However, the CDC's decision to approve the vaccine for the five to 11 age group has caused a storm of controversy nationwide, with opponents pointing to the fact there is little evidence to suggest vaccinating young children is necessary.


Data shows Covid poses a low risk to the age group, with children accounting for less than 0.1 percent of the more than 750,000 Covid-related deaths in America.


The decision means the US becomes one of the first countries in the world to officially approve jabs for this age group, with scientists in Britain warning officials there against 'blindly' following America and recommending the jab to age group.