Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 10:18 p.m. No.14920022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0028

Do you know what kind of plan never fails?


No plan… NO PLAN AT ALL!


If you make a plan life never works out that way.

That's why people shouldn't make plans..

With no plan nothing can go wrong!

And if something spins out of control…

It doesn't matter.


Be carefull about WHO you trust

And WHAT you trust.

The only kind of plan that YOU can trust


Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 10:22 p.m. No.14920040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I must not fear.


Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.


Only I will remain.

Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 10:24 p.m. No.14920050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The New Silk Road Becomes theWorld Land-Bridge,

A Tour


Depopulation Ghouls at FLOP26; Dems Blow Virginia, Possibly New Jersey

November 03, 2021


It is dangerous to cling to old beliefs at a moment of global systemic collapse. The belief in “limits to growth” is behind the “climate change” scenarios driving the push to reduce human population, which is the goal of those running the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 10:30 p.m. No.14920074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0077

K is the 11th letter of the alphabet.

Could11.3mean the same asK-3

A measure of solar storm intensity?

If so, we have just passed the 11.3 marker as Nov 4th solar storm reaches K-4.


It would seem that we know a lot more about solar storms, and have studied their fluxes for a much longer time than most people realize. Long enough to be able to predict when Earth will be hit by the BIG ONE

The Great Space Weather Event during February 1872 Recorded in East Asia



The study of historical great geomagnetic storms is crucial for assessing the possible risks to the

technological infrastructure of a modern society, caused by extreme space‒weather events. The

normal benchmark has been the great geomagnetic storm of September 1859, the so-called

‘Carrington Event’. However, there are numerous records of another great geomagnetic storm in

February 1872. This storm, about 12 years after the Carrington Event, resulted in comparable

magnetic disturbances and auroral displays over large areas of the Earth. We have revisited this great

geomagnetic storm in terms of the auroral and sunspot records in the historical documents from East

Asia. In particular, we have surveyed the auroral records from East Asia and estimated the

equatorward boundary of the auroral oval to be near 24.3° invariant latitude (ILAT), on the basis that

the aurora was seen near the zenith at Shanghai (20° magnetic latitude, MLAT). These results

confirm that this geomagnetic storm of February 1872 was as extreme as the Carrington Event, at

least in terms of the equatorward motion of the auroral oval. Indeed, our results support the

interpretation of the simultaneous auroral observations made at Bombay (10° MLAT). The East

Asian auroral records have indicated extreme brightness, suggesting unusual precipitation of highintensity, low-energy electrons during this geomagnetic storm. We have compared the duration of

the East Asian auroral displays with magnetic observations in Bombay and found that the auroral

displays occurred in the initial phase, main phase, and early recovery phase of the magnetic storm.…53….3H….5..338W

Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 10:42 p.m. No.14920118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0129 >>0149 >>0167 >>0170 >>0208

This is STORY OF Q


Do you know what a Cue is? A cue ball?

What about Q? The source of Qlues?

Do you know how to CALL THE BALL?


Are you so stupid that you believe someone with the highest security clearance in Military Intelligence, who swore the oath of allegiance, and whointends to uphold that oathwould actually tell you, in public, something that is classified?


Did you really believe that somebody working for Donald J. Trump, author of The Art Of The Deal would actually reveal, in public, something about the government's intentions in dealing with an adversary?


You're some special kind of stupid, aren't you?


Everything that Q wrote is a LIE or is GARBAGE

It is the only way.

Q made these drops to encourage people to stand up and think for themselves

To do their own research.

Every drop shines a laser on some aspect of Cabal crime and corruption.



Could that be an anagram AND LOSE? Maybe!

Could it be a reminder that a game is being played? Maybe!

Could it tell us the type of game afoot, like a card game where, on some moves, you can ask for cards to be dealt? Maybe!


But one thing you can be sure of.

It reveals no classified information that is not already in the public domain.

And it says nothing that would give criminals an edge in planning their next move.



But if you make a deal and flip, you can play a role in our movie and come out a winner…

Because, you know howGOD WINS? Well everyone who works on God's side wins too.

We followThe Wayof Jesus, so like him, we forgive.

Make America Great Again!United NOT Divided!


15 balls in the triangle and 1 cue ball makes 16 balls in the break

Check this CBTS bread for 16 Q drops

It's about the BREAK (Drop #314)

Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 10:56 p.m. No.14920177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You are missing a much bigger story about Justin Trudeau, his mother Margaret (Trudeau) Sinclair and the Sinclair bloodline

They created Scottish Freemasonry and build the famous Roslyn chapel.


I believe that Fidel and Margaret are cousins.

Furthermore, I think that the original Fidel failed to work out as a leader and the CIA had to take him out and replace him.


Margaret Sinclair had an older cousin that was the twin of Fidel.

This is one reason for incest within the Cabal/

Keep the tin births coming because they are useful to deceive.


The man that Margaret knew joined the CIA and became a NOC

He was an agricultural advisor to Cuba for the State Dept.

When the real Fidel started letting power go to his head

And endangered the operation

He was killed and the CIA agent took on his role.

The CIA revealed this using a work of fiction

Don Quixote, USAwas also published in a Reader's Digest Condensed version in Autumn, 1966

I have included that here in a compressed version if you want to scan through it looking for comms.


I expect that the bloodline needed Margaret to be impregnated by this cousin for their own occult reasons

And that it was arranged in some Caribbean Island hideaway which is where Canadians go to

When they have secret business.

I suspect either Grenada or Barbados


You can get it on Kindle too.

It was the reference toBill Helmsbringing him to his hotel that triggered me into thinking there were CIA comms in this one.


Oh, and Sinclair comes from French Saint Clair which means Holy Light or in Hebrew, which was also the language of the Phoenicians Or Qadosh Funny how that word Or is French for GOLD and both light and gold and fire all connect to the SUN.


The chief God of the Phoenicians was the Sun God Melkart who provided the pattern for the Greek Zeus

His consort Tanit provided the template for the Greek Hera

I believe that Ancient Greece was a mixture of several cultures, and two leading ones were the Phoenician Navy and the Iranian Yavani and Achaeans

Jason and the Argonauts is a typical Cabal coming of age quest where they kick their young out of the nest to fend for themselves.


I suspect that the Sinclair bloodline is a PRIESTLY bloodline of the Phoenicians



But Q delights in wordplay so it likely also means…

Pharma, Priesthood, Pope, Papacy and maybe more.

Mind your P's and Q's

Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 3, 2021, 11:05 p.m. No.14920213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That us effectively what Q's very last drop told us to do.

It was the song that he posted.


Remember what Q said

In Drop #4953

There was no Drop #4954

This was the end of the Q Drops

Q was telling us that this is how it all ends

Your move, America!


Pay attention to the Last Drop

Remember Maxwell House coffee?

Good to the Last Drop

Anonymous ID: b8ebd6 Nov. 4, 2021, midnight No.14920402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They thought it would stay

A secret…Planes, Plans, and Steel

Hidden in Plain Sight.


They rejoiced in sin

Sin of crushing our spirits.

They thought they could win


Oh Babylon, Fool.

Your dark sins will find you out

God said He would judge