Anonymous ID: 6a14b1 Nov. 4, 2021, 8:57 a.m. No.14922290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2455 >>2559 >>2617 >>2720 >>2868 >>3045 >>3053 >>3262 >>3357

Q, Q+ and Anons. On the metaphysical Spiritual Warfare side, it is obvious that we are dealing with an enemy of humanity that is literally feeding on our electrical energy. An enemy out of this world that is in the shadows right next to us. The Invisible Enemy of humanity. Our negative emotional energy that is generated from fear and trauma. Our thoughts are invaded by this enemy and we are in a constant fight or flight mode. Q, Q+ is this why The Wall is for so much more? Is this what Space Force is really about. This is the real enemy. Somehow a wall between us and them was broken and they have illegally invaded the realm. CERN? But it seems they have been here through all recorded history. Are they the ones that cause the mass extinction events? The controllers? If humanity was not a food source for [them] what would this amazing realm be like? From your drop about the Matrix. It is hard to imagine but I feel like it would be the most magnificent place. Q how do we get humanity united in the Spiritual Warfare? We are divided by so many things. Ultimately we are in this Spiritual Battle the biggest battle of our times it seems. Q what about all those children that have been abused and tortured…..can they be healed? Can that emotional trauma be removed from them? If it can be and I have high hopes that it can that means all of us can heal. Q, Q+ we really need you to come back and be beacon for us. Can you give us a sign?

Anonymous ID: 6a14b1 Nov. 4, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.14922559   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes Anon. The parasites rule the realm. How do we kick them out? What puzzles me is that POTUS and Q stay on the surface political tangent when the real issue is that THE TRUTH would put 99% in the hospital….contemplate that…..what is the truth? Only the truth can break us free. Humanity must be united against the invisible enemy but when we are stuck in elections and this other surface level stuff it seems we completely asleep. Where are the real healers? Where are those that can cast out the parasites? They must exist……

Anonymous ID: 6a14b1 Nov. 4, 2021, 10:22 a.m. No.14922868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912 >>2989 >>3254



My research suggests from especially researching things found by Jerry Marzinsky you can look him up on Youtube at He found some very interesting information that is also disclosed by other Spiritual teachers and by Q many many times. We are not wresting with flesh and blood but with "Entities" [demons] that feed off of negative emotional energy in a dimension NEXT to ours [invisible enemy of humanity]….or as in Corinthians other realms. They find people who have experienced some emotional trauma and attack them. I am sharing this because I sense that if we people really understood this as a PEOPLE we would be able to fight it better. They are able to insert negative thoughts into your mind….not all of your thoughts are from YOU. Those negative thoughts then create the negative emotions that they then consume for FOOD. They can take total control over a mind. Probably many in heads of state and big pharma and politics are completely under the influence. I am simply sharing that THIS LOOKS like the real enemy and Q has said this many times. This Anon is very fortunate and successful but I am under attack from past emotional trauma….so I am sharing….I am not crazy… but I sense the Spiritual Warfare like very few in the realm!

Anonymous ID: 6a14b1 Nov. 4, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.14923045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3108



Anon yes. This is why I wrote this. I am part of the proof. I experience it. It has been "disclosed" quite a bit in movies as well. Stephen King's It….Poltergeist…..Entity are all pretty much very similar things. Yes Anon yes…how to properly combat? I have prayed and fasted and continue to ask for help but I am still under attack…I cope well but am sharing again because I know I am NOT THE ONLY ONE. For proof my suggestion is the Youtube of Jerry Marzinsky. I think Schizophrenic people experience this at the HIGHEST LEVEL. Think of all the homeless people in LA and in all our other cities. The population is at all time highs. These people are not themselves they are under the influence of something. How do we really combat ….them……that is what I want Q to help us with…. if it is truly WWG1WGA then there is a way to beat them….

Anonymous ID: 6a14b1 Nov. 4, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.14923089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3320


Anon yes. So with me I have had childhood trauma that is being exploited. Other trauma too but layered upon the original childhood. When your shield has a break THEY ATTACK. There has to be a way to rebuild the shield somehow is what I am hoping. So many innocent children have suffered needlessly. There has to be a way to rebuild the shield.

Anonymous ID: 6a14b1 Nov. 4, 2021, 11:17 a.m. No.14923262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3377



Yes Anon. I experience some of this. I know I am not the only one. Something is attached and I can tell I am being fucked with. I also know [It] is not ME. Before I was on anti depressants and use to smoke weed all the time to cope. Broken shield. Got off of all of it. AND IT IS PRETTY PAINFUL. Again I am very fortunate amazing family that grounds me but as I had posted before….I sense this shit and I know millions of others probably do as well and there has to be a away to GET RID OF THESE THINGS…. There has to be a way! The more Anons can unite against this invisible enemy the more we can come figure it out. Like a world wide exorcism so to speak.