Anonymous ID: 83784d Nov. 4, 2021, 7:18 p.m. No.14927051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7143 >>7190 >>7193 >>7200

>>14925758 Dan Bongino says it like it is, game time, red line (Cap 0:52) (PB)


Asking anons to compare Dan Ball (back in August) to the Bongino clip. Ball was raising hell something fierce when it was just the face diapers:

VID (3:45) Rumble — Dan Ball's Speech at DSUSD School Board Meeting (August 17, 2021) calls the masking “Child Abuse”…

When they kick him out: OAN Host Dan Ball Gets Kicked Out of DSUSD School Board Meeting


Same for these Communist tactic vaccine mandates:

Tried to download the Video in following link (3:09) to no avail; Small portion of transcript from mediamattrs October 7, 2021

DAN BALL (HOST): So let's begin with this: Whatever happened to our freedom of choice in this country? In this new world that is Biden's America, it seems like we are truly living a 1984 Orwellian novel, right? With the way that millions of Americans are now being treated, it seems like it's 1942 Germany, right? Show me your papers or else. Let me put it a different way, just for free thinkers who use common sense. Again, the sheep are being rewarded by their masters.


This is Big Pharma in bed with Big Government, and they're forcing all Americans, get vaccinated or else. Every day, it seems we're moving one step closer to a communist society. Whether it's silencing conservative voices online or at school board meetings, or through firing people for simply taking a stand and opting to follow the real science. No matter the controversy these days, things just seem to be getting more and more out of control. And when it comes to the basic American principle and our rights, called freedom of choice, many folks are no longer being given any options. They're being forced to comply.


Well enough is enough, folks. We've got to stand, and we've got to stand together. The old phrase there's power in numbers … And if nothing else will motivate you on this subject of forced vaccine and mandates, maybe protecting the young and the innocent will.


The FDA is now pushing this experimental vaccine onto kids and they're trying to get it approved for ages 5 to 12…. Pfizer BioNTech sent an emergency use authorization. Remember, folks, this is all under the Emergency Authorization Act — none of this FDA approval B.S. is legit like it is for normal vaccines and other drugs where they got to study them for years. OK? …


And I'm sorry, folks, with side effects numbering in the hundreds of thousands, with the death toll, we don't know what it is. They've said it's 10, 12 thousand — are they reporting all the deaths and tying it to the vax? No. Just like they're over-reporting the number of deaths from COVID. Ever notice how all the other deaths are way down? Heart attacks, obesity, cancer — clumping them together.

This has got to end. American lives, childrens’ lives, are on the line…. Vid here (until scrubbed)


Attempting to find this vid anywhere else, even on Rumble, has proven futile. Biggest issue: Wonder why, whenever “OANN”, “One America News Network” with ANY host’s name and even the date are entered into “search” engines, the hits always produce fucking clown carlson and fraud hannity? WHY do Communist “search” engines push faux so aggressively?


As with carlson, sensei and the rest of cable "news" ratings leaders, please remember that we are literally at war WITHIN. EVERY single talking head employed by faux has ONE PURPOSE: Rile EMOTION while SUPPRESSING every damned truth imaginable until a convenient “hot” topic is finally approved.