Anonymous ID: b63184 May 21, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.1493388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

With all of the biblefag posting since Q's latest Bible references I have decided to post a theory regarding Q's use of 5:5.


Knowing that Q has made Bible references, I was surprised that 5:5 was never discussed in the context of possibly being a citation to something in the Bible. The question being which Book of the Bible.


After checking 5:5 in each Book, I think only two references are likely. First is Revelation 5:5 in which the person able to open the seven seals is presented. This "sets the stage" for revelations to occur and ultimately the downfall of the Synagogue of Satan. Q used the term "revelations" twice along the way to refer to unmasking the deeds of the black hats. Substitution of the word revelation for 5:5 in Q's posts works in each context. Adding the translation of 5:5 as meaning 5:25 on a clock, or 5/25 on a calendar. Gives us Revelation on 5/25. Maybe the IG report will be the first seal broken so to speak.


The second Bible book that also relates to our goings on is Daniel 5:5, which is the reference to the "writing on the wall" that Daniel translates as predicting the end of King Belshazzar's kingdom by God's hand because the King had worshipped false idols.


Sorry, no skills for fancy cut and pastes of all of the Q references. They can be seen easily at https:// by searching "5:5" and "revelation" thanks to the great work of an anon to create and maintain QMapp. Any anon with such skills please feel free to pursue with graphics if deemed worthy.


Also, thank you to all of the bakers.