Pretty sure it's still BongBaker.
-BakerG usually shows up around now, tho.
Lawgic Anon for the win o7.
> it would have elicited a massive media shitstorm in august
Yeah, the Rogers offseason was already a shitstorm at that point.
He prolly would but it might be old news by that point.
I still kek at the State Farm commercial where he's doing the singer/songwriter thing.
The fact those flotation devices are near water is not lost on me.
Yeah, my old Night Shift fren BoobArchiver has it all.
I haven't seen that Aussie here in quite a while.
I guess the dearth of true Anon titties in 2021 not named Bubbles caused him to say why bother at this point.
Hope that's not the case, but…
kek blood so thick you need a chainsaw to cut through it
/pol/ has the antidote for that problem
Brandon driving around in circles again?
Hate to break it to you, CantGetEnoughHunterCockFag, but Day Shift was where the /pol/ link and sample pics were first posted.
And before any of the Board Karens get big mad, let it be known that BoobArchiver even saved the granny ones.
He's an equal opportunity patriot.
Everyone except the Deep State likes memes, Anon.
Hunter's cock is reaching Ron Jeremy levels of worldwide views at this point.
You biology teachers take all the fun out of it.
Another meme that has GrammyCat fuming.
WTF went wrong Uncle Joe?
That one's 30.
Now Uncle Joe is dipping into the stash he accumulated from his jannie days at JC Penneys.
It took almost the whole bread this time, tho.
No longer like the old days, Joe.