( jk, love you)
Or a bunch of turds being flushed.
>CNN is touting today as one of the best in the Bidan admin as far a good news.
Saw that. Pathetic.
Hurry up, you stuttering, bloviating, granddaughter-smooching, kid sniffing, election-stealing, braindead geriatric defecator!
Imagine the smell.
No questions. Muh transparency.
>What a great last name she has!
they mad
Run, you fucking rats, run.
It's frightening that some people believe that crap.
Think Hannity will run this tonight? Tucker? Losers. Fucking /pol/ has better journalists than the entire msm. We see you dipshits.
Obama's son.
>It doesn't matter if Tucker or Hannity cover this shit.
they ALL know about it
so failing to report it
and continuing to take millions
while the country lives under this regime
is complicity