People just don’t understand what it’s like to be a man in 2021.
The U.S. Economy is not something that you wanna blame right off the bat. You see, it’s very easy to find excuses for things that people automatically or shall I say by default fall back on as an excuse or a reason to defend the lacking nature of their human condition. I’m not here to teach you a lesson I’m here to really help you realize that there is more to life while pursuing happiness than just orgasms.
Whether you are agnostic, atheist, or follow religion, you cannot deny that there has been some form of intelligence and benevolence within the Earth and the Universe working in tandem with the metaphysics of consciousness; plus the benefits of having an intersection between the spirit and the soul. To allow yourself to feel the actual engagement of these feelings in their entirety is to say that you will accept, with an open mind, that the body is here to be enjoyed, guilt free, lacking any form of instilled and indoctrinated dogma.
Where does it say in the Bible that enjoying the God-given gifts that were delegated to the human existence want to be avoided instead of enjoy to the fullest extent within reason, moderation, and of course responsibility?
I am referring to our controlled and scheduled substances act. It is in my firm opinion that scheduled and controlled substances are nothing more than keys to a locked system. That locked system is (You)r mind and they hold all the keys, to all the doors that help you feel better… and that’s beyond unfair. That’s a crime against humanity! I am not saying that children under the age of 21 should be allowed to get high on controlled and dangerous substances but what I am saying is is that if you are responsible enough to enjoy these things that God has given us.
Whether it is a plant-based alkaloid, or a synthetic chemical derived from such alkaloids, there should be no problem with the recreational consumption of said substances. In fact one of the reasons why I feel that drug users get a bad reputation is because of the lifestyle required in order to do them. Since I’ve been in high school, I’ve always been an advocate for drug use recreationally, medicinally, or in some cases even slightly irresponsibly. I delivered a speech to my student body once entitled,
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