You shall know the Truth
and the Truth will make you free.
Just to be parsen his words… he said, "Yeah, I'm immunized"
wut dat mean?
natural immunity?
got dat heart attack vaxx jab?
got a saline placebo jab?
Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street should be declared criminal terrorist cartels and have all their assets seized.
The pure evil manifesting in the world will suddenly disappear to an extraordinary degree.
yeah… they fugged over millions of people by making them get the jab or lose their job
you know Dems dont see no unemployed people cuz unvaxxed who lost jobs dont count
And the jobs report is any number the Dems want to say it is
You steal an election, you gotta keeps the lies going bigger and bigger to prop it up
Lets call it wut it really is
how many job vacancies can they create us jab mandates
dag nabbit…
dont you know science says
only stars can expand???
and who ordered the "cannibal" solar flare?
Charles Dolan liability
commies been erasing these kinds of "problem" people from photos for decades…
so much easier to do now that we live a digital world
I need the spice
gimme the console access key and the admin cheat command codes for reality
I got some admin shit I need to do
cuz the spice must flow
dat face says a shart storm is coming