Dislocates shoulder patting one’s self on the back for ‘theoretically saving 200 lives’ while actually killing 2000 or 20,000.
Modern ‘Politics’.
Dislocates shoulder patting one’s self on the back for ‘theoretically saving 200 lives’ while actually killing 2000 or 20,000.
Modern ‘Politics’.
‘We’re gonna need a bigger loader’
Yes, it seems this is a thing.
Have no idea if it’s formally instructed, or picked up at the water fountain, or learned in the locker rooms. Last year had a couple acquaintances ‘play as-if’ they were sympathetic to my criticism of corrupt government… seeming to want to drum up conversations… only to later find out they were koolaid addicts.
Very disheartening.
Keep in mind (sorry to insinuate this about your own sib), keep in mind that MOST Alphabets IMAGINE that they are far more important and engaged in activities ‘indispensable’ to National Security, much more than they in fact are.
It is the primary DELUSION permeating government employees world wide.
And another thing…
Your sibling, as is the case for MOST government people at this time, constantly swim in the delusion of ‘Democracy’, while they seem oblivious the fact that they ostensibly swore and Oath to a Constitutional Republic with a tradition of democracy. The ‘Democracy’ is meaningless so long as they are in violation of the limitations set forth in The Constitution.
They have no idea what they are saying.
Maybe, but the Order of Events [they] want, is submission and compliance more than getting something specific under your skin. Vastly more debilitating and deadly shit can be added to the syringe later.
He’s reading the peanuts and corn bits, so to speak?