Anonymous ID: 0e5fea Nov. 5, 2021, 3:11 p.m. No.14932725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2739 >>2754 >>3026 >>3079

FEMA camps have been constructed in NZ, Australia and I know they’re here in Canada too. They said these camps are for people who are un-vaxxed to wait out two weeks after having left the country. We know differently. These camps are to house the non-compliant while the compliant continue on in their ever-disintegrating society of “freedom”. The reason they have created these camps is because they want those on the outside to believe they are better off than those in the camps. Without the comparison these jails create, those on the outside would not believe themselves to be free.


That’s how it works. Like we say, avoid comparisons. “Oh they just vaxxed my kid but it could be worse, we could be in one of those FEMA camps.” That’s the other thing: the more you think of bad things that can happen to you, the more you lower your frequency and the more likely they will be to happen to you. So don’t connect with these things. Say, “No! I am free! I am sovereign!”


This is a double-bind situation they have used on us before many times. Like putting people in jail makes the rest of us understand that we are “free” as long as we abide by the rules, so in fact we are not “free” are we? Or they hit the people who are most vocal in the covid protests like Avi Yemeni in Oz and I think his name is Chris in Toronto, who kept being arrested at protests. They arrest the vocal ones, the leaders, the organizers, not all of the crowd members, because they make an example out of them. The people sitting at home watching this on the news are going, “Wow! I’d better comply or I’m going to end up like this guy – in jail or with a charge and a court date.” Folks, what about the thousands of people surrounding this guy? Did they get arrested? No. But they use the leaders as examples to scare you into thinking that could happen to you too. What are they going to do? Arrest the whole country? There’s too many of us. The only way they can get you to comply is to keep you scared.


They get the leaders. Without someone at the helm, there would be little organization of protests. They keep you divided and conquered, that’s an Illuminati tactic they’ve used since time immemorial. They do it by getting the leaders. Who got shot at the Black freedom protests in the 60’s? Martin Luther King. Who was jailed in South Africa? The leader was: Nelson Mandela. Now you see the same thing at protests. They know how to deal with us when we protest. They’ve done it for years.


So these camps will be the new jails for non-compliants. Some people will get caught. Others will keep their frequency higher up and evade capture. Whoever willingly turns themselves in, well, sorry for you. The trick is, to keep thinking of ways to outsmart the system, and you will do it.


There are so many potentials being enacted right now and depending on how you vibrate, you are either in it or you’re unaffected by it.


As you vibrate at a higher frequency you experience the consequences of that frequency, and they are decidedly more pleasant than others lives at lower vibration. The other thing that perhaps you are overlooking is that you have been making higher vibrational choices throughout your lifetime anyway, and so as you came into this time of awareness of the evil, you were already on a higher timeline and had prepared for what was to come now.