Anonymous ID: 6a5fc1 Nov. 5, 2021, 5:10 p.m. No.14933465   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think the big money bills are for a payout to the CF donors who got nothing when Trump won. That's why Pelosi was called to Rome.. And later, Bidan. No press for Bidan because he didn't get to ask any questions. Bad optics. If we're looking for reason for why he, supposedly, shit his pants twice, there ya go.


450K to illegals might be a money laundering scam, like Hunter's paintings. Tax payer money is paying for those and it gets funneled to the the debt holders.


Factions bocking at the bill are a quandary, for me, but I think it may be that Pelosi's block is skimming some of that money off the top for their own interests. IOW, Pelosi is demanding that the backbench factions finance her faction's attempt to retain power. Pelosi is obviously flailing, though, so it may be in the best interests of the backbench factions to administer the Pelosi Coup de Grace and take over.. Pelosi's only where she is for her money raising ability, which they all should benefit from, thus worthy of receiving tribute in a pre-Trump world, but she can't deliver anymore.


I think, too, the ships off LA are part of this. AFAIK the Chinese don't pay for shipping across CONUS. Some USPS thing. They're only paying to a US port. Officially. Wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese pay off the books to a black fund funneled to the elites, who made the USPS rule.


End game on the supply woes is, then, yes, tariffs are a PITA, but still better than not getting your shit out of the ports. You want something sent to NYC. Then ship it there on your own fucking dime, or pay tariffs if you low ball and pay going rate on over the ground shipping so our truckers get that action.


So, good guy win-win. Chinese get squeezed and elite off book slush funds dry up as well.


Follow the money. Perot was right.