Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:17 p.m. No.14932758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Covid is a smokescreen.


The real aim remains your rights and liberties.


Or did you think the mandate timing an accident?


The mandate is unconstitutional on multiple levels, and is a vast overreach of government authority.


It makes the perfect scare-tactic distraction to release right when the CIA needs you looking away from the court case actually deciding your future now and for generations beyond.


Trust me when I tell you, the vaccine division was, by design, meant to polarize you into two intransigent and vehemently opposed groups.


The announcements made are purposed and designed to pull media off of the CIAs actions abroad and away from the court case ruling that hangs in a balance reliant on public attention.


You are in an information war.


Critical thought:


What presents the biggest threat to your enemies?


Losing the court case that has cost them billions, that can criminalize exposing their crimes altogether, and cease the right of citizens the world over to speak out; or a vaccine and virus both with startlingly high survival rates (strictly from a data driven perspective).


Why do all sides funnel covid onto you 24/7?

It is a manufactured distraction. They wager they can afford the temporary inconvenience just long enough to strip you of your basic rights; and in truth they may be right.

Because, if they succeed in the Assange case, which hangs now between the appeal having been heard, and the ruling yet to be issued, they will succeed everywhere. It really is that serious. It really is for all the marbles, permanently.

I cannot explain to you, in few enough words, how much effort, globally, is being spent to distract you from this, or how all sides are playing you distraction card after fear-based distraction card.

I cannot explain to you in small enough terms that Biden is a throw-away-president who was designed to be unpopular so that this smokescreen could see their true plans through…


What I can tell you, is that I have a long career in leaking secrets, and that you would be wise to consider my humble warning:

Assange is KEYto their plot. If they lose the case, they cannot continue the covid scam either. If they lose the case, it is the beginning of their end, truly.

This alone, should serve as a clarion call to any person asking "what can I do to stop them?"

Listen carefully to me. You can speak out, raise awareness, and make their true plan impossible to implement.

Public awareness terrifies them here, because what they have done is highly illegal and requires a silent and complicit population.


So before you follow their carrot on a stick, and start arguing over covid some more, realize the way an information war works, and that all sides are playing you, and that your enemy is within an arm's reach of achieving their true ambition. The one the smokecreen has been hiding for years.


I suggest: being loud where it counts.

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, gave you the truth about your governments. It required no disinformation, just real truth. He did this with no bias, and asked nothing of you in return.

The CIA is currently on a war path against him, and is stacking the deck anyway they can. If they achieve their goal, it means all of you, and I mean all of you, will lose everything. I really cant stress that enough. This case, the legal precedent it sets, is so incredibly powerful and far reaching you will never again have the right to resist, not now and nowhere into the future. You will truly have lost the war.


Distraction is going to mount in the weeks ahead.

I told you before, the CIA is in a fever pitch and likely to lose if we keep public pressure high. The truth is heavily on our side.


And as much as we stand to lose here, we equally stand to gain if we can free him from their grasp. It would quickly shift the balance of power out of those hands who dominate with secrecy and murder.


You are in an information war.


Be wise to how they operate.


Be wise to the way they turn your head, and keep you looking away.


Be wise, speak out, and question those who don't.

Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:19 p.m. No.14932771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2785

Q Anon: synonym for sycophant


1. The definition of a sycophant is a person who tries to gain attention by flattering wealthy or influential people. An example of a sycophant is someone who agrees with everything his boss says and who brings his boss gifts once a month.

2. A person who seeks favor by flattering people of wealth or influence; parasite; toady.

3. A person who attempts to gain advantage by flattering influential people or behaving in a servile manner.

4. One who seeks to gain through the powerful and influential.


In other words, toadies, brown-noser, hanger-on, ass-licker, yes-man, cheerleader, doormat, flunky minion

There are Trump toadies and there are Q toadies and they compete in a SATANIC CONTEST to see whose love for their master is greatest.


And just as the Christian sheep have a shepherd who herds them calledthe Pope, these toadies have a shepherd too. He is a revolting green TOAD namedPepe, created by the CIA's Psychological Operations unit to neutralise the conspiracy theorists who gather online. One of their more successful ops too.


Q comes along anddrops some CUEssaying Dig into this stuff and you will learn what evil stalks your world and how to defeat it.. United NOT Divided, says Q because that is what Jesus said, Love thy neighbor. Fact is that when neighbors areunitedthen we outnumber the evil ones, and their defenses crumble.


If you have love in your heart, you can get the most hard core liberals and socialists on your side. Because UNITY is the most important weapon in this battle. Help your socialist neighbors get everything they want by teaching them NEW WAYS of achieving their goals that do not require stealing tax money from the poor, and giving it all to the rich bureaucrats who have proven themselves to be untrustable.

Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:23 p.m. No.14932785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2818



Avicii -For A Better Day


–Hmm that sounds like The Best Is Yet To Come

Tim Bergling is Avicii

Look at 8 Sep 2021 Google Doodle.

He crossed too many red lines

Baby blue and pink for little boys and girls

He is yellow because he blocked the flow of gold

Clicking on the doodle plays the Avicii song

Wake Me Up

Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:29 p.m. No.14932822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2834 >>2912

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

Operators never divulge.

Alice & Wonderland.



I believe that the 3 non-military that Q referred to are…

Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin

Narendra Modi


Other leaders got read in later, in particular

Xi Jinping

Kim Jong Un

Ali Khameini

Boris Johnson

Emmanuel Macron

and maybe some others.


And of the military members I believe that

Bipin Rawat

Sergey Shoigu

Are in the original group.

That leaves 3 or 4 American military people

Probably including Admiral Rogers, Gen David H. Berger, Gen Flynn, Gen Richard D. Clarke


Note that Q is not answering the question

Who is Q?

Q is merely pointing out that there is a big plan that only a small number of people are privy to.

Many, many more operators know a part of it but they are not telling.

The Q group is also not telling, but they are Dropping Cues

Like Hansel and Gretel dropped bread crumbs.

Those who know how to DIG can find the facts that are UNDERNEATH the CUES.

The drops themselves are all LIES and GARBAGE

But if you DIG through the garbage then you can find gold.


This is why Q's board is calledQ Research

Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:31 p.m. No.14932834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3184



The Economist's cover from 2015 can be seen at above URL


Let's look atAlice & Wonderland

And I mean that literally

Because I have included a photo of Wonderland,

The world under President Hillary

And there is Alice, standing and looking at it.


Do study all parts of this photo carefully

They were telling us what they planned to do

They thought Putin and Modi were on their side

And would push the plan through to completion

Obama, the USA, was the leader but the other two nations were needed.

The second string, backing them up

Were Merkel, Xi and that British guy

Now you can understand the role of Bannon and Farage in making sure that the British guy was replaced by Boris Johnson and Trump replaced Obama


But pay attention to Alice

Two arrows were shot towards where she stands

Which means towards the USA.

This means war

And this is the CUE to look at the Law of War

Milley probably still thinks he will be using 11.5 to clean up




And then unleash the power of 11.3 to make the Great Reset, the new normal.




Oh, what a tangled web they wove…

They even put Spiderman in the photo to rub it in your face

Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:43 p.m. No.14932903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are you happy?


You're watching a movie.

Deepstate clowns are now busyBURNINGthe Democrat party.

They know that their game has been exposed.


So now the clowns are BUYING patriot support!

They are setting up Republicans for you to loveand TRUST

Just like before

But the Deepstate owns Republicans too

And now patriots are helping the clowns


Only the name has changed.


If you really want to defeat the clowns

Question Everything!!!

Never go back to trust.

Oversight is what the deep state fears.

Shining a light on crime and corruption

Think FEDERAL if you must


Because locally is where your questions have impact

Loval election fraud is just the tip of the iceberg

Anonymous ID: dcfeeb Nov. 5, 2021, 3:48 p.m. No.14932928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why does Q call them Y-head?

Because the Phoenician god Moloch or Ba'al Melkart

Is a horned god

Moloch-Qort = Melkart

The first letter of the Alphabet is his

Aleph, the first letter of an interesting word

אור which is pronounced 'or and means Light

Was it coincidence that not long after the Romans defeated Carthage, a colony of Phoenicians that had grown rich and powerful

Rome became ruled by Emperors in the Phoenician style?

Was it because most Mediterranean cities were Phoenician and they wanted to control a potential rival?


So, the Latin word for gold is AURum

In French it is OR

חלק is khaylek meaning "portion"

So light portion would be חלקאור ORKHALEK

Plato's account of Atlantis saya that the temples were covered by a shiny metal…


Seems to me that the Phoenicians, and therefore the Hebrews who were just wandering Phoenicians who left the sea behind, were the Atlanteans. Ships at sea had a better chance to survive the tidal wave that destroyed their capital city in Mauritania.


Jews are those Phoenicians who rejected child sacrifice and followed the Messiah, Moses, with his new testament from God and the 10 commandments. He even wrote them in the Phoenician (Masonic) way on tablets of stone. Like this one with Tanit in the middle between the two pillars Boaz and Jachin.


The Phoenicians, howver, would not leave the Jews alone and enslaved them to use them as aRed Shieldprotecting the Phoenician Pirates from their victims. They forced their Jewish slaves to act for them, pulling strings like puppeteers. That way, angry victims would attack the puppets and not the hidden masters, whose hidden hand pulled the strings.


Wake up my friends

A new world is upon us and everyone except the 4-6% will be

United NOT Divided because the Best Is Yet To Come

A world with an Abundance of resources, enough to build the most magical technologies and enable those who wish, topermanently leave the earth and live in spacetraveling to other star systems.