BV, please lock and delete, ty baker
I’m just putting this here for documentation purposes. In reading through the Danchenko indictment, I think that PR Executive 1 may be Adam Waldman and not DOLAN (corrected) as some others have said - based on this email the indictment provides. Adam Waldman repped Deripaska and Assange, was working with Warner in the senate and others, and had deep ties to the Clinton campaign etc. I think it’s Waldman, and that changes EVERYTHING. Could I be wrong? Maybe. I don’t think I am. Screen cap, just in case. I like to be held accountable.
EWillHelpYou, [11/5/2021 3:42 PM]
So the FBI is now after Project Veritas, a hyperpartisan target, for a diary released in 2020?
What a convenient way to distract from the Assange case, where your actual rights and liberties are literally on trial and hang in the balance with mere days left before a high court ruling.
Where an organization that exposed actual war crimes is on trial.
Distractions grow, the news fuels them. You're being forcefully, emotionally manipulated in real time.
Keep your eyes on the prize named Assange.
The CIA and FBI will pull out ALL the stops to distract you and divide you here. Like I said before. It has cost them billions and they are in a fever pitch.
You are in an information war.
Recognize your enemy and how they encourage you to look away, and question those who remain silent, or spread the distraction.
McAuliffe Blames Loss On Low 3AM Ballot Turnout
RICHMOND, VA—Terry McAuliffe’s loss in the Virginia gubernatorial race has sent shock waves through the Democrat establishment. Some are blaming the rise of racism, domestic terrorist parents of public-school students, and lack of understanding of true Marxism for the loss. After careful study of the results, however, the campaign determined the true cause was a shockingly low turnout among 3 a.m. ballots.
“Yeah, our ground game was clearly to blame,” said McAuliffe to tearful reporters. “After studying the numbers, there is just no way to sugarcoat our failure to turn out the 3 a.m. ballots. Bottom line is, we simply came up short. The votes in the key 3 a.m. demographic just weren’t there.”
The DNC is looking closely at what went wrong in Virginia to make sure they don’t repeat the mistakes in the crucial 2022 election. So far, the clear takeaway is simply to make sure they have enough ballots in reserve to make up for a rise in racism, pornophobia, LGBTQaphobia, Islamophobia, and Marxismaphobia among the voters.
“We thought we had it in the bag with all the early vote ballots, all the absentee ballots, all the dead voter ballots, and frankly we got a little lazy and let the country down,” said McAuliffe campaign head Biff Tannen. “Let this be a lesson to all Democrat candidates facing an election in this hostile environment full of terrorist parents who don’t want their girls raped in school bathrooms by guys wearing skirts. Do not rely on actual people voting for Democrats! The 3 a.m. ballot demographic is key to Democrat victory from now on."
Democrat strategists also determined to push the wildly popular CRT a little more next time.
I think if Hunter had sex with his family members, Joe would have had sex with them too. I think they are sick and perverted. I would like to see all of the Biden's serialized and wiped from the face of this planet.