Anonymous ID: b86839 Nov. 5, 2021, 11:38 p.m. No.14935589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Marker: h9w6g3_(trip-1-9/last 3)


For prepping you, I told you last week that the Queen of England's death is imminent - probably no later than December 15, 2021.

I will come back on QResearch after QoE's (clone) official departure.

As mentioned, it's going to get much worse for all of us than a silly Biden vax mandate which frankly, is a very minor sampling of the "worse" that's coming.

So, for a royal distraction, I present a quenn’s death.

In the meantime - anons:

Don't fall for bullshit FF's and don't ever step in to save anyone, you know why.

Don't let people trick you by stirring you up to a fever pitch, they love useful idiots.

Don't do stupid things on camera.

Don't say stupid things on camera.

You can and will be blamed just like JAN 6th.

Keep your head on a swivel, when gassing up, when getting groceries, at sports events, etc.

If you video or take pics of something suspicious, be careful who you give your videos and pics too, law enforcement (local, state, FED) may not be Patriots willing to help Patriots - Project Veritas is a place to think about.

  • You and your family will be fine.

BTW, you're going to be surprised how many common, but popular social media superstar Patriots will be found to be a part of the Derp State, this will also be a part of the reveal, it won't go well for these lower-level Derps.

Please pray for each other, our Republic, and for everyone around the world in our spiritual battle of good over evil.

Prayer is as much a weapon in our fight as anything we do.

Other than Jesus walking the earth, this is the greatest time ever to be alive in history.

My words can't adequately describe this next comment, but just when you think we've seen every evil cast upon us by the Globalist, Deep State, Cabal, it can and it will get implausibly and unthinkably evil and horrendous, but we will prevail.

Every day it's gotten worse, right?

But here we still stand, ever stronger.

Growing in numbers literally by the minute.

{THEY} are surrounded and know it.

Grab your balls, here we go.

Long Live The Queen! (Not so much…)