Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 5, 2021, 11:25 p.m. No.14935566   🗄️.is 🔗kun



House Democrats, joined by 13 Republicans, pass $1 trillion infrastructure bill

After marathon behind-the-scenes negotiations and at the urging of President Joe Biden, House lawmakers have approved the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. This leaves his ‘Build Back Better’ bill hanging.

Nov 6, 2021 03:31


After marathon behind-the-scenes negotiations and at the urging of President Joe Biden, House lawmakers have approved the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. This leaves his ‘Build Back Better’ bill hanging.


The bill passed the House 228-206, with 13 Republicans siding with 215 Democrats in voting ‘yes’. Six progressive Democrats – Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib – opposed the legislation.


Biden was reportedly actively involved in drumming up votes for the bill. The president canceled his planned trip to Delaware to stay in Washington and personally phoned into the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) meeting on Friday evening, asking its members to support the infrastructure package.


Several hours before the vote took place, CNN’s chief congressional correspondent, Manu Raju, reported that around 20 progressives were still against the bill. The group, led by Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington), previously said that they could not support the bill without addressing their education, healthcare, and climate change proposals as well. Later in the night Jayapal, however, voted ‘yes’ on the infrastructure bill. “Tonight we have an agreement that will get both bills done,” she said before the vote, referring to Biden’s assurances that his ‘Build Back Better’ spending package would be passed within the next few weeks.


While Democrats were able to secure GOP support for the infrastructure bill, Republicans remain opposed to the ‘Build Back Better’ plan, which will have to pass with Democrat votes only.


The roughly $1 trillion infrastructure bill was negotiated in June by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the Senate, but Biden immediately said he would only sign it if the Democrat-only BBB arrived at his desk. This set up a clash between the Democrats’ moderate and progressive factions, while Republicans became reluctant to back any of Biden’s proposals.


While Biden has remained publicly committed to the BBB, it has already had to be scaled back from a $3.5 trillion expansion of social services to about half that, and it is still being worked out in the House. The Democrats hope to pass it in the Senate through a procedure known as reconciliation, which would require no Republican votes.


13 Republican Traitors so called Rinos/closet demshits

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 5, 2021, 11:29 p.m. No.14935574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5576 >>5592 >>5599



New government tool asks Americans for vaccination status, mask-wearing habits

Americans unsure whether to get a Covid-19 test over 600 days into the pandemic can now use an online tool developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and volunteer some personal information to get a recommendation.

Nov 5, 2021 22:53


Chicago schools close for ‘Vaccine Awareness Day’ and NYC pays kids to get jabbed

While New York City is paying children to get the jab, Chicago is to cease all public school classes for ‘Vaccine Awareness Day’, to promote inoculation against Covid-19.

Nov 5, 2021 19:51

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 5, 2021, 11:33 p.m. No.14935578   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Multiple people injured in stampede at Astroworld Festival in Houston – reports

Ambulances and firefighters were called in after multiple injuries were reported on the opening night of the Astroworld Music Festival in Houston, Texas.

Nov 6, 2021 06:06

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 5, 2021, 11:39 p.m. No.14935592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5599 >>5609


I wish they would start hacking into daily ccp programming aka ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC news networks with podcasts of their own…the only way some libatards will know what the hell is really going on…besides the fairy tale commie news networks programming

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 12:20 a.m. No.14935667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5670

Inside the Clinton dossier and the con behind the Russiagate scandal

By Kimberley Strassel

November 5, 2021


The nation argued for five years over the infamous Steele dossier, the document on which the FBI relied to investigate Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. It should have been called the Clinton dossier.


Special counsel John Durham this week obtained an indictment of Igor Danchenko, a Russian who provided information for the dossier. Danchenko is charged with lying to the FBI, but the bigger story of the indictment is Democrats’ central role in every aspect of the dossier and the FBI investigation.


Never forget the original claim. According to the FBI, Democrats and the media, Trump harbored secret and nefarious ties with Russia. We knew that because — as Mother Jones explained in a 2016 article that became the reigning storyline — Christopher Steele was a “credible source with a proven record of providing reliable, sensitive and important information to the US government.” He had come across “troubling” evidence of Trump collusion and brought it to US law enforcement.


It took a year for congressional investigators to reveal the dossier had in fact been commissioned by the opposition-research firm Fusion GPS, working for the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. It took two more years for Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to expose that Steele had relied on a Russian source who said he had never expected Steele to present his info as facts, since most of it was “hearsay.”


Two more years on, Durham’s indictment says this source — Danchenko — obtained material from a longtime Democratic operative who was active in the 2016 Clinton campaign. Clintonites here, Clintonites there, Trump “scandals” everywhere.


The revelation shouldn’t surprise us, given that Danchenko was never some high-level Russian in Moscow. From 2005 through 2010, he worked at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, a center-left think tank. Around the end of that employment, the indictment asserts, he was introduced to “PR Executive-1,” a Clinton crony who The New York Times confirmed is Charles Dolan.

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 12:21 a.m. No.14935670   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dolan has long been in Clinton circles, having served seven years as head of the Democratic Governors Association and state chairman of Bill Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns. President Clinton appointed him to a State Department advisory commission, and the indictment notes he was an active “volunteer” on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. He also had far more ties to Russians than anyone in Trump’s circle, having for eight years helped handle “global public relations for the Russian government” and throughout 2016 interacted frequently with senior Russian officials and Russian Embassy staff.

The indictment reveals that in August 2016, Danchenko asked Dolan for any “thought, rumor, allegation” regarding the summer’s resignation of Paul Manafort as Trump’s campaign manager. Danchenko explained he was working on a “project against Trump.”

Dolan replied that he’d had a drink with a “GOP friend of mine who knows some of the players” and provided gossip. Sentences of this e-mail appear nearly verbatim in the Steele dossier, though they are (hilariously) sourced to a “close associate of TRUMP.” To add farce to fantasy, the indictment says the Dolan later told the FBI he had fabricated meeting a GOP friend and had simply passed on info he had read in the press.

The Clinton dossier should go down as one of the biggest scandals in US political history. Not just for the breadth of the con, but for the time it has taken to expose it.

Lie, Cheat and Steele

Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid law firm Perkins Coie for various services, including opposition research. Perkins Coie hires Fusion GPS, “a strategic intelligence firm,” which pays former British spy Christopher Steele to look into Donald Trump.

Steele’s primary source is Igor Danchenko, a Russian citizen who had worked for the Brookings Institution think tank. Danchenko collected info from what he would at first claim was a “network of subsources” in Russia. He later revealed that he just asked people for gossip — or fabricated information. In 2017, he admitted to agents that it was “rumor and speculation.”

One of Danchenko’s sources was Charles Dolan, a p.r. exec who had worked on campaigns for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Dolan relayed to Danchenko gossip that he claimed to have gotten from “a GOP friend of mine who knows some of the players.” The gossip ended up the dossier. Dolan admitted later that he made up the GOP friend.

Another source was Olga Galkina, a Russian p.r. exec who thought she had been promised a job in the State Department if Hillary Clinton were to win the presidency. Fired from Webzilla, Galkina falsely implicated the Web-services company in the hacking of DNC e-mails and also seemingly invented a story about Michael Cohen visiting Prague (a claim debunked by the Mueller report).

Danchenko also had a made-up source. He claimed the president of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce had revealed to him a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Trump and the Kremlin. Later pressed on the purported exchange, Danchenko said he “thought” he was “probably” talking to the chamber president. Danchenko has been arrested on charges for repeatedly lying to investigators that this happened….

Danchenko delivers this collection of lies, rumors and inventions to Christopher Steele, who credits it as intelligence from “high-level Russian officials” and “close associates of Trump” — none of whom exist. Steele shops the dossier to the media and FBI, hoping to spark a public investigation of Trump.

The dossier gets passed around Washington (John McCain gives a copy to the FBI) and fuels speculation in the media that Trump is part of a Russian conspiracy. FBI Agent Peter Strzok interviews Danchenko and Steele and finds them unconvincing, but the investigation continues.

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 12:55 a.m. No.14935730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5734 >>5738 >>5740


Biden pulled the trigger on Project Veritas. This has ‘political attack’ written all over it. The establishment fears the Project exposing machine! This is a great sign that James O. Keefe and team are over the target. More importantly what they have loaded for release soon.


PV has been working with the DOJ to exonerate their name and any wrongdoing related to Biden’s daughters diary. Within the diary allegedly the claims talk about sex abuse, drug addiction & showers with daddy Joe. The National review published them all over a year ago. No knocks on their doors from Biden’s DOJ? This is pure political, an attempt to stop PV from exposing more truth.


Also Biden is so incompetent he made the claims seem validated by sending his DOJ to be used as attack dogs. Biden is again assaulting the first amendment, the conservative exposing powerhouse we all love will not back down as stated earlier by O Keefe.


The bigger question here though, what is Biden panicking so badly over? A lot of talks ongoing about Hunters laptop right now as well. If multiple stories were to break, are they going to verify each other?


The pervert old man clearly got shook up about whatever Veritas knows and what’s to come soon.


Project Veritas will prevail, they have nothing to hide. Will Sleepy Joe though?

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 12:56 a.m. No.14935734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5740


FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

National File

FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe - Whistleblower - National File

National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of the diary our whistleblower identified as belonging to Ashley Biden

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 12:58 a.m. No.14935738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5740



BOMBSHELL: New York Times, FBI Confirm Legitimacy of Ashley Biden Diary Published By National File

National File

BOMBSHELL: New York Times, FBI Confirm Legitimacy of Ashley Biden Diary Published by National File - National File

Last year, National File published pages of Ashley Biden's diary, revealing she had inappropriate showers with her father. Today the diary has been verified

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 1:03 a.m. No.14935749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5765



Project Varitas & the Biden DOJ.


Just spoke with my good fren, @Qtah_17 and wanted to pass on his great commentary and breakdown of events today re Project Varitas & the Biden DOJ. Worth the read, Patriots!

🔥🔥🔥 ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Biden pulled the trigger on Project Veritas. This has ‘political attack’ written all over it. The establishment fears the Project exposing machine! This is a great sign that James O. Keefe and team are over the target. More importantly what they have loaded for release soon.


PV has been working with the DOJ to exonerate their name and any wrongdoing related to Biden’s daughters diary. Within the diary allegedly the claims talk about sex abuse, drug addiction & showers with daddy Joe. The National review published them all over a year ago. No knocks on their doors from Biden’s DOJ? This is pure political, an attempt to stop PV from exposing more truth.


Also Biden is so incompetent he made the claims seem validated by sending his DOJ to be used as attack dogs. Biden is again assaulting the first amendment, the conservative exposing powerhouse we all love will not back down as stated earlier by O Keefe.


The bigger question here though, what is Biden panicking so badly over? A lot of talks ongoing about Hunters laptop right now as well. If multiple stories were to break, are they going to verify each other?


The pervert old man clearly got shook up about whatever Veritas knows and what’s to come soon.


Project Veritas will prevail, they have nothing to hide. Will Sleepy Joe though?

Anonymous ID: d945c3 Nov. 6, 2021, 1:42 a.m. No.14935838   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Eight people were killed and several more injured in a stampede during a sold-out hip-hop music festival in Houston, Texas, the fire department said.


Ambulances and firefighters were called in after multiple injuries were reported on the opening night of the Astroworld Music Festival.


“We have eight confirmed fatalities at this point,” Houston Fire Chief Samuel Pena told reporters, adding that overall, 23 people were transported from the scene.


“The crowd began to compress toward the front of the stage, and people began to panic,” Pena said.


A video on social media shows paramedics performing CPR on several people who are lying on the ground outside the stage, as loud music continues to play in the background.


Security issues were a matter of concern even before the event had begun. Local media reported that multiple people were trampled after hundreds stormed into NRG Stadium, pushing back security barricades.


An ABC13 reporter filmed fans breaching the perimeter before the concert began and tearing down metal detectors.


Another video claims to show a group of fans trying to get in by climbing over a fence


ABC13 said the festival’s 100,000 tickets sold out within an hour of going on sale in May. The Houston Chronicle said that around 50,000 fans showed up for the two-day event.


The event’s lineup included hip hop stars Travis Scott, Young Thug, Lil Baby, SZA, and a surprise appearance by Drake, among others.

