"Formally retained counsel" definitely means he lawyered up.
Any lawfags out there who can give us the particulars on what this means when a person has been informed of an investigation, pending charges, indictment (sealed?), or charges filed?
"Formally retained counsel" definitely means he lawyered up.
Any lawfags out there who can give us the particulars on what this means when a person has been informed of an investigation, pending charges, indictment (sealed?), or charges filed?
Hello, Hannity producer hanging out in here!
(Waving vigorously to the room)
I wonder which nigger it is…
56 was probably a sign on test. Q always does that first.
If this indicates the "RTM = Release The Memo" Executive Order, I hope it also declassified some of the evidence supporting the memo, or we're just going to get MSM shills doing the "talking points… GOP hit piece… yadda yadda"
On a side note, I would fukking love to have that pen! That's history, right there.