Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:10 a.m. No.14936336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6343 >>6345 >>6346



You're wrong about everything. You only respond because you enjoy the attention. You focus on bullshit because your lives are empty. You think you offer the world and important service but you offer nothing of any worth of value. You exist just to exist. You both will never know anything and you'll fall for everything because you are all suckers.

Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:17 a.m. No.14936371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6404


Learn how to spell. Do you have a learning disability that hinders your ability to function properly? All you do is post worthless, irrelevant images as if it's a good enough comeback. I'm not looking for a response from you. You're supposed to agree with everything I tell you, and then change for the best.

Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:33 a.m. No.14936452   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Take care of yourself" is what the voices have started saying now. More bullshit PR-speak and jargon that is empty and worthless and meaningless by design. Oh yeah, because everyone realized that "thoughts and prayers" are worthless and meaningless also. Enjoy what's coming down the pipeline, if it even matters (spoiler alert: it doesn't).

Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:40 a.m. No.14936489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yeah, because the joke is on me and I'm supposed to be asexual or an incel or bisexual, despite the fact that I'm clearly not either but apparently I'm supposed to be every word under the sun because of PR or whatever. I'm never going to forgive any of you. It's clear PR statements only exist to make the losers feel less like losers, when all it does is rub in the fact that they are losers. The joke isn't supposed to be on me. I want to win on my terms alone.




It's insulting to my intelligence. You all are insulting to my intelligence. I hope and pray that you all will suffer, but I know that none of you will because you all lies to cover up the truth, and now you use bullshit PR statements to seem so PG and marketable. What a joke. I'm not laughing and I don't find any of this amusing.




So what? Like I care.


Oh yeah, I'm supposed to because apparently words are violence and I'm supposed to fight back, because if I don't I'll still lose.


It's a lose-lose situation for me. It always has been and always will continue to be.


None of you will ever be forgiven until I start getting my way.


And yes, I know… I'm the only one who will have to suffer and be made a fool of constantly, right?

Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:43 a.m. No.14936505   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A baby I don't even want or need or asked for, but ultimately still have to take care of because I'm always going to be cursed and made a fool of, even though everyone just lies to me and gives me dumb PR-ready statements because I just have to sit around and cope with how bullshit and awful and unfair this existence was, is, and continues to be.


"Take care of yourself."








No. Do things my way now. Not the way you think I want things to be, but the way I really want and need things to be.

Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:47 a.m. No.14936525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Because apparently I was always supposed to have a bodycam on me, even though I was just so kind and trusting of everyone I shouldn't have been kind and trusting of. And even when I'm nice, I get punished. When I'm defending myself, I still get punished.






Nope, and yet I know I still have no choice in getting people to do things the way I want them to be done, because it's all a scripted reality and I have no agency or free-will, which means nobody else does either apparently.


If only people would just listen to me, believe me, and do things my way rather than giving me a baby I didn't want, need, or ask for.


Because everything happens for a reason, like how even the news cameras purposely pan away from me to make sure I don't get shown on screen, or how everything was so "purposefully" deleted and removed in such a manner to make me seem like the crazy one, when in reality, everyone else lies and continues to lie.


Worst plan ever.


I knew it was a shitty plan four years ago, and I know it's a shitty plan still.

Anonymous ID: 23aec3 Nov. 6, 2021, 6:53 a.m. No.14936568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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November 6th, 2021, 08:07 am



ONTD Original: When public figures utilize PR-speak and "the royal we" to control the narrative

Over the years, many celebs, politicians, and public figures (all three could be considered the same, now) have found themselves in situations that have encouraged them to respond to the public, whether to deal with a crisis of public perception or to just "spread awareness" (ironic, since "spreading awareness" could also be considered PR-speak).



A common thread to be seen in most of these statements is the fact that these individuals we look up to seemingly change for us (the general audience) in order to appease us, or rather, to better "control the narrative" when issues may arise within their respective fandoms.


Some of the phrases that are most often used include such phrases as "we hear you," "we see you," "you matter," "you are valid," and "we care."


It should be noted that in all of these occurrences, public figures use "the royal we," which makes it difficult to distinguish between sole authorship or co-authorship.


In typical fashion ONTD fashion, I present to you a few instances of individuals using the exact same phrases in different situations.


( Collapse )


Michael B. Jordan


When Michael B. Jordan was accused of cultural appropriation for the naming of his rum brand, he utilized "the royal we," as well as I in his response: "We hear you. I hear you & want to be clear that we are in the process of renaming."


Henry Cavill


Henry Cavill (the brand) recently responded to an autistic individual on Reddit with the words, "Happy Birthday, brother! You matter, we care!"


Ted Cruz


Ted Cruz (the politician) used "we hear you, we see you" in a recent tweet that acknowledged the plight of Cubans.


Rashida Tlaib


One member of The Squad, Rashida Tlaib, recently used "we hear you" in a tweet about appearing invisible in spaces.


Pramila Jayapal


Pramila Jayapal utilized the phrases "we hear you, we see you,' in her post for #NationalComingOutDay.


Cori Bush


Cori Bush used "we hear you, we see you" in a tweet acknowledging Simone Biles' statement in the Larry Nassar situation.


Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Do you believe that public figures utilize PR-jargon in order to cover up past indiscretions from their private lives, especially when gossip comes into play, or do you believe that public figures are as perfect as they appear for the camera?