Those are Grave Liners mandated for burial of anyone in the ground in all 50 states.
That dumb shit picture has been debunked for nearly 20 years now and you mfer's cant help yourselves!
Those are Grave Liners mandated for burial of anyone in the ground in all 50 states.
That dumb shit picture has been debunked for nearly 20 years now and you mfer's cant help yourselves!
Grave liners kid.
The only conspiracy here is how did you get this stupid to fall for dumb shit?
If you had worked with buying humans you would know this.
Obviously you haven't!
This dumb shit fema camp coffin bullshit was debunked on GLP of all places nearly 20 years ago now!
But you spechul ed motherfuckers just cant help displaying low intelligence!
Burying* humansโฆ Rather