You are missing a much bigger story about Justin Trudeau, his mother Margaret (Trudeau) Sinclair and the Sinclair bloodline
They created Scottish Freemasonry and build the famous Roslyn chapel.
I believe that Fidel and Margaret are cousins.
Furthermore, I think that the original Fidel failed to work out as a leader and the CIA had to take him out and replace him.
Margaret Sinclair had an older cousin that was the twin of Fidel.
This is one reason for incest within the Cabal/
Keep the tin births coming because they are useful to deceive.
The man that Margaret knew joined the CIA and became a NOC
He was an agricultural advisor to Cuba for the State Dept.
When the real Fidel started letting power go to his head
And endangered the operation
He was killed and the CIA agent took on his role.
The CIA revealed this using a work of fiction
Don Quixote, USAwas also published in a Reader's Digest Condensed version in Autumn, 1966
I have included that here in a compressed version if you want to scan through it looking for comms.
I expect that the bloodline needed Margaret to be impregnated by this cousin for their own occult reasons
And that it was arranged in some Caribbean Island hideaway which is where Canadians go to
When they have secret business.
I suspect either Grenada or Barbados
You can get it on Kindle too.
It was the reference toBill Helmsbringing him to his hotel that triggered me into thinking there were CIA comms in this one.
Oh, and Sinclair comes from French Saint Clair which means Holy Light or in Hebrew, which was also the language of the Phoenicians Or Qadosh Funny how that word Or is French for GOLD and both light and gold and fire all connect to the SUN.
The chief God of the Phoenicians was the Sun God Melkart who provided the pattern for the Greek Zeus
His consort Tanit provided the template for the Greek Hera
I believe that Ancient Greece was a mixture of several cultures, and two leading ones were the Phoenician Navy and the Iranian Yavani and Achaeans
Jason and the Argonauts is a typical Cabal coming of age quest where they kick their young out of the nest to fend for themselves.
I suspect that the Sinclair bloodline is a PRIESTLY bloodline of the Phoenicians
But Q delights in wordplay so it likely also means…
Pharma, Priesthood, Pope, Papacy and maybe more.
Mind your P's and Q's