You know what the fucked up shit is with this…. bullshit.
It's just a matter of time before it is implemented in one way or another.
You know what the fucked up shit is with this…. bullshit.
It's just a matter of time before it is implemented in one way or another.
All the dumbfuck minions out there that are a part of the "great reset"..the ones kneeling, rioting and guilty of election fraud…obviously don't study history.
Every dissenter/trouble maker in history… has always been rounded up and killed by the victor of any war or regime change.
Why?…. because they know they can't be trusted… so they get rounded up and exterminated.
The worlds useless idiots, are on that list.
For many, the choice has been made…. for a few, there is still time… but not much.
lmao… yup… I took plan B… but plan A was pretty fuggin awesome.