I imagine that many anons will be over on TruthSocial by the end of the month?
Pre-launch is this month if you sign-up at trbthsocial.com.
Was Scott convicted of anything in 17?
Vaccinated only crowd? I feel such crowds are dangerous. That's an angle to check out going forward.
What a tool! and fool!
Imo Trump has blind spots, including pharma and law enforcement. Overall, he was a vast improvement over all Presidents since Reagan. He needs to come back.
Just when he's at the zenith of a glorious career of perversion, vice, and corruption too!
I felt like Vegas was the first overt act of war on the Trump Admin. The Bummer Admin was at war with the People the entire time, as is the Creepy Admin.
We will know more in a year, but there's no doubt that NUMEROUS healthy people are dying from the jabs. Many of them were mandated by their jobs, like the young athletes. What about sterilization also?
He's a toxic person, literally.
Agree 100. I live in a deep blue state, I will make small talk at most. I have a fairly strict policy against not dumbing myself down for anybody.