Anon is remembering the scene from (MK symbolism filled) Fight Club where he has the acid on his hand and tries to dissociate, but Tyler (his alter) forces him to stay in the moment and experience his pain (trauma).
>Kenya drought
$4 million for syringes, $0 for food
Red shirt, HRC’s “red light warning”
There was a Tweet yesterday, forget the sauce, but it said Travis had been charged with inciting a similar stampede at a music festival this past summer.
Also if you dig on Project Montauk and what they were doing in the earlyish phases with the large radar dish, it was used to control peoples moods, thoughts, actions etc at a distance. Birds and animals could be controlled into frenzied states where they would crash through people’s windows in their homes. That was in the 50s-60s iirc.
Pair that with what Q confirmed about modern cell phone tech using frequencies to affect/control.