ok anons i get that people can differ on many issues and that is NOT division - just normal range of opinions
however where is crosses the red line into division is when anons (or anyone even shills) are TRIGGERED by emotion and lash out at others who hold different opinions. Thjis must be the line we draw or we will never be unified against evil. DIVISION is evil in and of itself. Q has as much as said so because DIVISION is the primary CABAL tool of control
WE THE PEOPLE divided are powerless against them. They are powerless against WE THE PEOPLE united.
So here are 2 key examples:
ABORTION - this is an issue that we CANNOT all agree on - not now - perhaps ever. This is a typical reply to any pro life post here on the Board:
>You're a victim of systemic and pervasive social engineering mind control. You have been taught that killing babies is freedom. >Killing babies and Abortion is a BLOOD SACRIFICE. And you fell for it hook line and sinker….
And that is a mild one - does that sound like two anons who disagree? NO! It is one anon triggered by emotion - hating on another anon with more emotional triggers in the other way. If that were any other issue that anon would see it and condemn it in others posts!
RELIGION AND PRAYER - again this is an issue that we CANNOT all agree on - not now - perhaps ever. Q has posted religion is NOT an issue - so why do we all kepp making it one? Q is christian - probably pro life too - SO WHAT? does that mean atheists and jews and pro choice anons cannot be patriots? that they should be ridiculed or talked down to? NO - a thousand times NO - that is not what we or Q want.
Differences and discernment are not just OK - they are critical to success in life and certainly to winning the war against evil - because we have EVIL jews, muslims christians ahteists, etc etc etc - all that matters is if a PERSON is evil or not and we must discern one from another - BUT if discernment DIVIDES us with emotional triggers and insults and defense then WE HAVE LOST.
Bottom line - if someone triggers your emotion do not respond in kind - be calm cool and collected - reply if you want to but not with division in your heart and mind - then all will be COZY on the board and in your life too………………….