Anonymous ID: d5f64b May 21, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.1494825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reference "we have it all": I watched "Zero Days" again last night and the actress acting the part of NSA and c_a whistleblowers involved with stuxnet mentioned something very interesting - that they had pre infected hardware installed at natanz along with the software. I am thinking that similar hardware (phones, pc's, etc..) had to have been swapped out years in advance with the NSA knowing of their vulnerabilities and gathering intel quietly the entire time under "consent to monitoring" provisions on every GOV system. Under the guise of DOD security standards, each piece of equipment has to be patched by a certified IMO and most certainly white hats were there to "update" or "reimage" PC's or comms. I hope to God this is what happened because if so, every last one of them are PROPER FUCKED. Love to all involved - no homo.