This bears repeating as it is the classic Faustian deal pursuant to which SO MANY FAMOUS AND UBER WEALTHY have sold their souls…..:
……"But after a few years of this low-level notoriety, Scott’s popularity suddenly exploded in one single day. He’d released two albums by that point, which got a lot of hype but failed to impress. Then on May 22, 2017, both of his previous albums were certified platinum—even though the first one was released in 2015, almost 2 years earlier, and the second less than a year after that. They were already old news, and fans were waiting for him to announce the release date of his new album.
Since then, one of the songs from those early albums has gone triple platinum, one of them has gone double platinum, and one was certified platinum. Strangely, the double platinum was also certified on May 22, 2017, meaning that Scott received three platinum certifications on the same day—from albums and singles."…..
In retrospect, the bargain Scott made was transparently a deal with the devil…..that Scott INSTANTANEOUSLY received everything he had always craved. It was TOO obvious,
Remember, this happened in MAY 2017 as the Deep State/Cabal was in pure panic mode with Trump and the Patriots rolling up [their] networks WORLDWIDE. So they had to prematurely and heavy-handedly ACCELERATE their CULTURAL/RELIGIOUS SUBVERSION PLAN. I strongly suspect that we will see OTHER SIMILAR 'paybacks' like Travis Scott's in the coming days, weeks, months ahead.