Sound and brainwave state.
Sound can be used to entrance or entrain the mind to a specific range- brainwave state.
The simplest example of this that everyone know is the (now) three toned 'NBC chimes'.
Just those three notes can 'change your mind'? YES. But more specifically those TWOintervals, the space(s) between, are the magic.
Now if two intervals in a specific key, and possibly a pattern, can pre the target, imagine what a 4-8 minute song can do? A movie score?
Combine that with the highest tech 'surround sound' or direct to ear SPEAKers, and your mindspace is their putty.
Other than a human and an audio speaker, only 'god' creates with SPEAKing. Grasp the implications of what sound and music truly are capable of.
Would Travis Scott know this stuff? Unlikely that any performers actually know this, but certainly ALL MSM record labels, network sound producers, movie scoring composers, mixing and mastering OGs, and pop/rock/rap/country producers ALL would know as well, once you reach a certain 'level'.
Why is classic 'music' 'remastered'? To refine the potency of the product.
Metallica - metal liquor - agents in substance
All fluids contain agents, all life exists in a field. The metals, the life forms (micro to macro), and the substance in which they reside (aren't you mostly WATER?) can be manipulated not only by sound, but also by 'the space between'- the intervals.
Binaural beats demonstrate the power of the 'space', as example.
Digital information (sound, voice, music, video) is not the original information. It exists in a packet or envelope that is imperceptible, not unlike the envelope of mrna…
These devices have the capability to sicken, as do their wifi, cell, and tower networks.
Was Travis Scott AstroWorld a demonstration of a binary genocidal technology? YES in this sound engineering and esoterically versed anon's assessment.