Anonymous ID: 975814 Nov. 7, 2021, 3:35 p.m. No.14946858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Note that Q is not answering the question

Who is Q?

Q is merely pointing out that there is a big plan that only a small number of people are privy to.

Many, many more operators know a part of it but they are not telling.

The Q group is also not telling, but they are Dropping Cues

Like Hansel and Gretel dropped bread crumbs.

Those who know how to DIG can find the facts that are UNDERNEATH the CUES.

The drops themselves are all LIES and GARBAGE

But if you DIG through the garbage then you can find gold.


This is why Q's board is calledQ Research


But the biggest CUE of all is Watch the Water!

That is Q telling us that further CUEs to Digital Soldiers will be dropped on social media

And that the DIRECTOR of the movie we are watching regularly drops CUEs for the actors

Which we can find in the news media if we pay attention