>With many more Durham indictments projected to be on the near horizon, who do you think will be indicted?
The Clintons just said they like 'running'.
Hmmmm…..will they be running?
>With many more Durham indictments projected to be on the near horizon, who do you think will be indicted?
The Clintons just said they like 'running'.
Hmmmm…..will they be running?
no no no no no
that is not the right video.
video you posted has been modified
here is the original
there will always be criminal walking free
that is life.
and the poor will always be with us.
seems to me like they are making a run, but it won't be a direct run.
they are going to use a lot of different people to plan their escape.
like…look over there, but not look here.
Maybe plan to show up at a function, but not show.
a marathon for them to get out of the USA
I can see the Clintons planning an overseas trip to Tahiti, for example, a place with no extradition agreement with US, by way of the carribean and Haiti and S. America,,…China…
who knows where , just to get to safe space.
has anybody been watching yachts lately?
will the clintons get on a yacht and go to the sea where there is no law.
submarine a ride from yacht to tahiti?
is NP moving to Florida to get on a yacht?
do they dock yachts in SF?
>BREAKING: Hackers have targeted 'sensitive data' at multiple US defense contractors, cybersecurity research firm tells @CNN
I am channel surfing and ran across this show.
heard the word 'poop'/
then heard poop at party
then somebody brought extra pants to change
then skid mark and bad boy
i have never watched this show before.
never heard of it.
but it seems to be current with news.
I only saw a few minutes, so I don't know what else was said or what it was about.