Steve Scalise Sounds Off on Biden's Infrastructure Bill, Highlights 5 Hidden Details
Although six House Democrats from the progressive wing of the party voted against passage of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the bill late Friday night with the help of 13 Republicans. Hidden inside the 2,300 pages of this complete boondoggle of a bill are numerous dangerous provisions that would have our founders rolling in their graves.
Shortly before the vote, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana warned colleagues about several of the most egregious initiatives contained in this legislation.
Scalise, holding up a copy of the unwieldy bill that lawmakers had only received the night before, reminded his colleagues of Biden’s promise that passage of his agenda would not cost Americans earning under $400,000 one dime.
“He breaks the promise right here,” Scalise said. “In the bill, a tax, according to the American Gas Association, will increase household electricity rates by 30 percent. And by the way, that’s low-income families that pay that tax the hardest.”
Democrats had originally put amnesty for illegal immigrants into their larger Build Back Better bill. Because there is no Republican support in the Senate for this legislation, they hoped to pass it through the process of reconciliation.
Extreme anti-Covid group issues call for Australia to RETURN to the elimination approach - here's their list of demands
Health Before Profits raised enough money to pay for a full page newspaper ad
Calling for vaccination of children down to six months old as vaccines approved
'We must eliminate Covid, as we have every other serious infectious disease'
'What is the main purpose of a government if it is not to protect its people?'
Despite more than 80 per cent of those aged 16 and over being fully vaccinated in Australia, an extreme anti-Covid group has called for new measures to reduce infection numbers to zero.
It comes as Covid-19 infections in NSW and Victoria continue to fall, despite the lockdowns easing over the past two months.
A Health Before Profits Australia (HBPA) Gofundme campaign raised enough money to pay for a full page newspaper ad over the weekend, advocating for strict conditions to tackle the pandemic.
Among the measures the group is calling for are: the vaccination of children down to six months old; a vaccination target of 90% of the entire population; and federal financial support based on a living wage for those required to stay at home.
Activists from HBPA, Zero Covid Australia and Zero Covid Schools, doctors and concerned citizens collaborated to publish the advertisement in The Saturday Paper arguing for prioritising public health in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Australia.
Duncan Hart, from HBPA said, 'it has been one of the most distressing features of the pandemic, to see the Prime Minister, NSW and Victorian premiers encouraging people to accept preventable Covid deaths and who knows how many long-Covid cases while opening up without proper mitigation measures.'
Mr Hart said the group is aiming to both educate and pressure governments to do what is necessary to minimise the impact of the virus. 'The measures outlined in the advertisement are simple, effective and scientifically proven to help reduce transmission,' he said.
Dr David Berger, who helped write the ad, said: 'What is the main purpose of a government if it is not to protect its people?'
Boston cops in riot gear quash violence after Antifa targets vaccine mandate protest
Antifa targeted a vaccine mandate protest in Boston Common on Sunday. The situation turned violent as members of the far-left militant group clashed with protesters against vaccine and mask mandates.
The "Super Happy Fun America" organization — a Massachusetts-based political organization "focusing on defending the American Constitution, opposing gender madness, and defeating cultural Marxism" — held an anti-vaccine mandate rally at 12 p.m. on Sunday. The objective of the event was to "resist vaccine passports, face diapers, mass layoffs, and unconstitutional mandates."
Several Antifa-linked organizations, including "Green Monster Antifa" and "Solidarity Against Hate - Boston," organized a counter-protest. The Antifa groups vowed to make sure the Super Happy Fun "know where Boston stands" and to get them the "hell out of town."
To demonstrate against the protest against government-mandated vaccines made and profited by big pharma, the Antifa mob held communist flags with the faces of Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, and Karl Marx. There was also a "Death to fascists" sign.
Christian Porter, Andrew Laming and Channel 10 political reporter Peter Van Onselen gang up to threaten and intimidate one woman
Canberra politics has hit a new low with Christian Porter, Andrew Laming and Channel 10 political reporter Peter Van Onselen, who also acts as Porter’s personal publicist, ganging up to threaten and intimidate one woman with defamation. They have used the same grubby lawyer, Rebekah Giles, who sent 3 concerns notices, one from each of them, in one email to Gemma Carey demanding she deletes Twitter messages about them and pay their legal costs.
In a Tweet below by Peter Van Onselen, who has poured a lot of his own credibility down the drain defending alleged rapist Christian Porter, he damages his own credibility even further by being a bully intimidating a second woman.
But let’s start off with Rebecca Giles email to Gemma Carey on Wednesday the 27th of October 2021 which is below.
You will see at the bottom of the email 3 Concerns Notices are attached to the email with the first one named (P …, the second one (A …. and the third one (C … which obviously stands for Peter, Andrew and Christian. A Concerns Notice is what you send as an initial step before possibly commencing a defamation claim in court. If a person agrees to the demands in a Concerns Notice, such as an apology and paying legal fees, court proceedings can often be avoided but not always.
Australian of the Year Grace Tame summed it up on Twitter as per below
It’s my understanding that Gemma Carey agreed to take down the offending Tweets and pay their legal costs. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help raise money for Gemma Carey to pay her legal costs which I helped promote via Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday (3/11/21). Nina Funnell, who is well known for work helping empower women and abuse survivors, is organising the fundraising appeal with the money raised held in trust by Marque Lawyers.
At this point I won’t promote it further as the fundraiser has already raised over $170,000, of a targeted $150,000, and that seems enough to cover Gemma Carey’s legal costs and the costs of other women who have also been threatened. But if they do follow through and still decide to sue Gemma Carey or other women then I will look at helping promote it again at that time. Raising over $170,000 in matter of days should have sent the message to the 3 cowards that if they want a fight, they will get one. But some people like Peter Van Onselen don’t learn.
Everyone has the right to send a Concerns Notice if they believe they have been defamed but to do it like a pack of wolves against one woman is the act of cowards. And then to ridicule the woman you sent it to on social media like Van Onselen has is even more cowardly and helps explain why Van Onselen has defended Christian Porter against the rape allegations.
Sending three Concerns Notices in one email is designed for maximum amount of intimidation. I’ve been told that Peter Van Onselen claims that it was not coordinated to send the three Concerns Notices at once. That is not plausible as the lawyer Rebekah Giles clearly did coordinate it and it is not believable that she would not have told her clients.
Porter and Laming will both be gone at the next election which is due anytime in the next 6 months so they don’t care too much about their public profile but Peter Van Onselen will still be on Channel 10 so his reputation could take such a beating over this matter he might even lose his job.
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