Is it a coincidence that AOC and all fellow travelers in the movement are not just wrong about all things but as wrong as wrong gets about everything? No, it is no coincidence.
In short, the modern day leftist/communist looks back over the entire history of mankind or birthing and non birthing kind and has come to the conclusion that nothing, no form of governance, poiltical philosophy, religion, ideology nothing, has succeeded in ridding the world of war, poverty, crime and injustice. They've also concluded that the reason why none of the above has happened is because "someone" always thinks they are right. Whether disagreements between people or wars between nations. So they've set out to always oppose that which is good, right and moral. They will always side with wrong over right, evil over good and immorality over morality. Their hope is that going forward they can at the very least, sow seeds of doubt in people's mind's about what is good, right and moral. They will always, without fail, elevate everything wrong, evil, immoral and tear down and harshly critisize everything that is good, right and moral until it all meets in the middle and no one believes in anything. The actions of a peophile are judged to be no worse than that of a smile and warm greeting.
The late Alan Combs of Hannity & Combs was the "posterchild" for this leftist/communist psy-op. No matter the issue, Combs would always diametrically oppose anything Sean was making the argument for.
Former prime-time comedy writer Evan Sayet is the man who set out on a 5 year quest to understand this twisted, perverted mindset and if you have ever wondered "why" these people do what they do, say what they say then you should take the time to view his talk at the Heritage Foundation back in 2007. I've always known these people, this movement was psychotic but I was always left asking the question, Why? After watching this video many, many years ago I found the answer and it fucking blew me away. Made total sense. I still go back from time to time and rewatch this video because the information in it, is invaluable in fighting these marxist wannabes.