That's freaking awesome; lol.
Meh; people should know what he means. I'm still amazed people let their 10 year olds just go to these concerts all willy nilly like it's nothing. Blows muh fuckin' mind, actually.
All this was drummed up for the very reason of putting them all in the spotlight. When reproductive and autoimmune issues are finally linked to the vaccines in the mainstream, it'll really be go time, then. Lots of payouts.
>Satan may not be real, but the belief in Satan by the crazy elite is surely real and they want to do a little sacrifice to Ba'al, which is kinda a problem atm.
These people are stupid. Really, really fucking stupid. Can't wait 'till we get to the other side of all this craziness so we can get back to working on humanity instead of fucking around will all the bullshit.
These people are stupid because they believe Satan is the one "bestowing" these things to them for all the dumbfuckery they are doing. In actuality, it's their dastardly behavior that "rewards" them, and their willingness to do anything it takes to get ahead, while the majority of people in this world are "good people" (more good than bad). It's really easy to take advantage of good people. That's why there's always been haves/have nots. The good people need to be awakened to remind them of what's been robbed them all these generations prior:
Think about it. There's no reason for Q to ask the question twice, reworded the second time around. Unless, of course, they knew that a portion of those whose attention they got, out the gate, are going to fall into the camp of "No, he doesn't", while actually offering them some reason to continue to continue tracking the drops with a 'thought' caveat. So now that you've got the attention of staunch Christians and agnostics (perhaps even atheists that understand the importance of religion for some, etc.) that have morals based on principals outside of religious dogma or absolutism, on board, you can get a common goal of what the plan is about out front and center for maximum group participation.
Q's use of bible scripture can be seen in many ways. Gives inspiration to the spiritual, provides comms when used in conjunction with date/time stamps, and also is a major fucking KEK at the DS because it should be very well know, at this point in the journey, that they use the Bible as a script to control and influence just as much as any well-intended, Bible-believing Christian. this proves the plan isn't only absolutely fucking super genius, it's an outright kick-start of a modern renaissance.
I thought you anons woulda figured all this out by nao.