Marjorie can suck a fat dick. She accomplishes absolutely nothing other than posting workout videos that no one wants to watch and yet goes on WarRoom screeching about how she’s the most accomplished congressman of the session. She’s useless just like all the rest.
I honestly hopes someone primaries her and we never have to see or hear from her again. She can fundraise off stupid people - that’s the ONLY reason Republicans still allow her to open her mouth.
Looks like “vax”
Mike did brainwash about three generations of blacks to believe that he actually cares about them and is “just like them”
Wendy is just as bad. A bunch of do-nothings fundraising off idiots who still clinch to their every word.
Pic attached is exactly the reason no one should trust this grifter
Me thinks it’s a wholeeee lot more than 8 people that died. And why are almost off them Mexican/Spanish names at a mostly blacks concert?
Every single person on both sides thinks she’s a bit. She’s not “normalizing” anything other than making being a congressman more of a clown show. What are you doing?