You can rise with Lion and with Eagle and boldly take your place among many Sacred Warriors through time who have stood for God, who have stood with and in the Light of Christ Consciousness, and who have stood for the Great Divine Mother, Mother Earth, throughout all time and space, even when it was unpopular or seemingly unwise to do so. It isn’t time to be reticent in your Faith. It is time to Leap into the Full Power that Faith affords those who seek it and choose it, and be the Light Warrior You Are and Came To Be in these times.
Dear Ones, the Time for Rising is at hand. The Time for Knowing and Embodying your Strength, Fortitude, Courage, Clarity, and Stealth Soul Skills is at hand. We have referenced in many previous transmissions the Light, Faith, Fortitude, and Soul Sight of others who stood in Union with Source in their biblical timelines and in their life journeys. The serpent does a marvelous job of making those courageous souls transform into characters in story books, that feel inaccessible or contrastingly ~ so utterly heroic that they are mythicized in humanity’s consciousness to be other-worldly beings; And therefore their deeds and their feats appear impossible in any present timeline and modern day and age experiences. We are here today to say to you . . . that that is part of the Greatest Illusion ever sold to a global civilization so convincingly. For who benefits from a disempowered human collective? The Biblical Serpent. What does the Biblical Serpent wish for you to believe? They you have absolutely no power to change the course of world events at this time of God’s Epic Earth Emancipation and Mother Earth’s Extraordinary Planetary Ascension. Its quite a ride, isn’t it, dear ones? Living in two worlds, two earths, and many of you knowing this as more events in this spiritual battle play on and play out.
This is why we bring into your conscious awareness the stories of Noah, the journey of Moses, and the choice-points of Adam and Eve. For they were souls just like you facing this abominable serpent, and from an initial lens of Human Mortality, Human Disempowerment, and Human Distortions. For in every human being, is the collective ocean and thus memory of all of the Collective Karma ever lived. Talk about a Living Tsunami of Truth that exists just under the surface of Humanity’s “Noses.” Every choice, every thought, every feeling, every negative experience, every suffering, every challenge, and every pain, dissonance, and discord that has been felt through time through all of the casts of characters in this 26,000+ year age and cycle of Separation Consciousness is Known Deep Within the Collective Soul of Humanity. And when Humanity is not awake to these Reserves and Archives of Stored Memory . . . they are open to attack from within by this Nefarious Biblical Serpent . . . who steadily weakens the Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit of each human being from within . . . and who also weakens the Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit of the Individual and the Collective with continuous streams of disempowerment, fear, lack, and struggle narratives . . . so much so that humanity believes that they are that story. So much so that humanity unconsciously believes they must perpetuate that story, because its all they know and it’s all their inner records of energy patternings remember as well.