>protect property with deadly force? In Texas you may
anon members texan hearing ruckus in backyard shed, grabs gun, begins chase, firing shots, neighbors hear, grab guns, join chase, bullet riddled corpse, grand jury no bills
sam will end it like he did FB
> i swear i have seen his mug shot before
dubs confirm
his reign of terror must be stopped
orgasm would never had cum into being if it didn't further reproduction
>Many species have asexual reproduction.
not humans
>God gave humans orgams
to make babies
oldfag detected
>So why did God give us the orgasm?
To make babies is obvious, even to retards, but literal faggots are willfully blind to it.
>I can't find the classic Sam in the car leaving the scene
anon was looking for it after your post but can't see the meme for the memes