Everyone is a pervert. You holier than thou faggots just don't have the courage to admit it. You're afraid of public scorn and that your sky daddy will be diaappointed with you. Well, your sky daddy made the perverts too.
Everyone is a pervert. You holier than thou faggots just don't have the courage to admit it. You're afraid of public scorn and that your sky daddy will be diaappointed with you. Well, your sky daddy made the perverts too.
So what. What business is it of yours? Everything sexual is perverted in the eyes of some sel-rightous prick, even the dirty little thing YOU do princess.
Or we could just stop trying to shove everything sexual into the closet and admit that human beings are sexual beings also. Bit then, what would the boogeyman religions have to torment their flock with?
If you have a problem with sex, it's because you are brainwashed. You were made via sex. It's normal, and it's time to normalize it. People eat, sleep, work, play sports and fuck. It's not really as big of a deal as you Puritans want to make it out to be.
I wonder how many people died because they took Kayleigh McEnany's advice to use Remdesivir? Bet she has a big kill count. Fuckin shill.
Orgasm is the point of sex. Don't be a dullard. Whatever makes a dick hard or a pussy wet is between that person and their God. God made us all equally fucked up.
No. We should beat children half to death for having the audacity to offend God by daring to even mention sex as many religious cult parents have done.
Do you avoid takimg big shits so your butthole doesn't get stretched out? Yours doesn't spring back? Poor anal-retentive cuck.
Big tent GOP is gonna be destroyed by small minded cultists who make how people love other people their full time job.
Use of force has levels. You don't have to kill someone with a gun to stop them. If you don't know the use of force laws, you should study them before talking about them. Choking someone to death to stop them from stealing your cow is also not ok.
See, I think eating meat is immoral and should only be done in private. Seeing people chew and swallow steak in public is fucking disgusting. If you ever ate meat in front of a child you're the worst kind of sicko teachingvthem that murdering animals is okay. Everyone should just eat their animal flesh in private and not shove their disgusting death food in everyone elses face.
See how ridiculous y'all sound?
Reproduction doesnt happen without orgasm. Orgasm is the purpose whether or not reproduction is the result.
But they should. According to my SUPERIOR religion, my God wants meat eaters to be sent to prison for life to get tortured to death. My Holy Book says that's what's right. You should be forced to respect my beliefs.
Untrue. Many species have asexual reproduction. God gave humans orgams. We should enjoy the gifts God gave us.
So what? People enjoy sex for the orgasm. Reproduction may or may not happen. Good sex has lots of good orgasms. Orgasms are good for mental health and keep the organs of sex in balance.
As has been stated, reproduction can happen sans orgasm. So why did God give us the orgasm? Because he loves us.
If your eye offend you, you should pluck it out. I can choose to look or not. I don't think it was right for the church and state to murder people for thousands of years because of sex.
You habe been lied to fren. Tolerance is a part of loving your neighbor. In that verse, Jesus was trying to teach people to quit being so offended on God's behalf, and to quit following the Jews accusatory legal system.
I do, I deep throat them for public enjoyment.