>we'll drag his ass out of the WH
That's not violent speech, but let's go Brandon IS! KEK
This is why BLM / Antifa are doubling down, and saying their going to ''burn the country to the ground'' if Kyle is acquitted. [They] never intended for this footage to get out. Now that it has, the left is desperate to get their way.
>Why are they even doing this to Kyle?
Because muh white supremacy narrative must be pushed at all costs.
>The confiscation of guns will happen
Not even close.
>Newsom resurfaces
Psssst!Where is that Real Raw News faggot when you need him? Rub his nose in this shit when he comes back.
Durham's indictments have them panicked so, they need to createa distractionto keep people from looking at Durham.
[They] want us eating bugsโฆ
I think there will be some surprises. AOC is another one that always makes me wonder if she's working for the white hats. No one can be as dumb as she sometimes acts. It has to be part of the plan to expose the absolute idiocy of the left.
Evil trips confirm. HRC is going to GTMO.
It's already over $7 in some parts of Cali.
Prosecution is getting bitch-slapped.