Have/have nots switching tactic being used by the power elites. Haves realize they're being fucked over as their wealth and culture is blatantly handed over to the current have nots.
Aspiring haves who are currently have nots will be compliant to governments, AKA the power elites, in new paradigm and will be allowed to wreak vengeance on new have nots who they were programmed to blame for their previous have not status.
Only way to fuck up a successful implementation of the switching tactic is for the current haves to react tactically rather than emotionally to defend against the power switch.
Weakness of the switching tactic in this incarnation is that the current haves carved out their position of dominance via competence, and current have nots don't have the capability to allow society to be run as it is now in have countries. An extreme competence gap has developed.
Haves should prevail, but they do need the backing of an entity with a big club. Therefore, the realization of their current predicament has to be clearly elucidated by the haves, regardless of PC constraints that have arisen, and that will be the trigger for the ally wielding the big club to act. Only capability the current have nots hold is terror and violence.
Everything occurring now is designed to force the haves to act irrationally and be sucked into dealing with the strength of the have nots. There is no system in place for the haves to remedy the injustice and theft of their wealth that is currently occurring by peaceful political or judicial means. The haves have to design their own pragmatic remedy and they are capable of doing so. Once the best applicable remedy has been determined, the big club will appear to execute it.