The devolution into communism is nearly complete. One thing left. Guns. How’s your keyboards working out? This Q cunt psyop was the last nail in the coffin you fucking dolts.
Go away chingawa.
Hey Matt.
You cling to things that don’t work. Never worked. Like a marxist.
Guise guise. Did you hear Newsome dead? McCain 2.0. Omg guise. Oh oh not dead? GB syndrome? No? He’s fine? Aw fuck. This fucking place is STOOOOPID. Sorry I ever installed the q alerts app. Made my nuts tingle then I got castrated. Like mr pig.
This is exactly why they run you over. You’re just not smart. No discernment. Zero. Hopium drives your life. Sorta like organized religion. All fake.
Mike lindell. Sure thing chingawa.
I just…wow.
You assholes have lost. That happened when your faggot fathers failed you decades ago.
Time to grow up pussies.
It won’t go anywhere. Doesn’t have to.
Tl:dr. Communism.
And there you have it.